Fedor Gorst has won the 2024 World Pool Masters title in Hildesheim, Germany, beating Joshua Filler in the final 13-12, the longest match in the tournament’s history, presented in partnership with local organiser Moltke Sports and host broadcaster Sky Sports.
Filler won the lag but scratched from the opening break, handing Gorst the chance to clear up, only to find himself hooked after attempting to pot the 8 ball. The opponents exchanged misses on the 8 ball until the American eventually potted it, but his attempt at a bank shot with the 9 ball failed, allowing Filler to clinch the first rack and kickstart a three-rack winning streak.
Fedor secured his first rack win in the fourth after Filler‘s dry break, but he gifted the advantage back to Filler with a dry break of his own in the sixth. Seeking a comeback, Fedor exploited Filler’s miss on the 4 ball in the seventh, following it up with a well-executed safety shot in the eighth, forcing Filler to falter on a 5 ball jump shot. Fedor seized the opportunity to level the score, then cleared the table in the ninth to take the lead.

©Taka Wu/Matchroom Multi Sport
Filler countered Fedor’s hook of the 6 ball in the tenth with an impressive jump shot into a bank 6-9 combo, levelling the field. The pair proceeded to battle over the next seven racks, pouncing on any small errors made by their opponent. However, by rack 17, Gorst broke away from the level field to establish a two-rack advantage 10-8
The ‘Killer’ Filler capitalised on Fedor’s failure to pot the 3 ball in the nineteenth, bulldozing his way to the hill. However, a dry break in rack 23 stopped Filler‘s momentum, allowing Gorst to take back control of the table to bring it to hill-hill. Following a tense comeback from being 10-12 down, Fedor Gorst gracefully cleared the table in the final rack, securing his first Matchroom Major title.
Fedor Gorst said: “It feels unbelievable! Both of us had crazy rolls in this match. I thought it was over for me but somehow it turned around for me. Hats off to Matchroom, this is an unbelievable tournament to win.”

©Taka Wu/Matchroom Multi Sport
The Jacoby Scottish Open will take place the weekend before the next Matchroom event with the tournament set to be held at McGoldricks Sports Bar in Glasgow with the world’s elite set to descend on one of the UK’s most historic sporting cities for a vital World Nineball Tour Ranking event and tune-up ahead of the UK Open Pool Championship.
The first signature Matchroom major open event comes next at the Telford International Centre, Telford for the UK Open Pool Championship from May 7-12 with the Jayson Shaw Junior Open taking place on May 10-11. Buy your tickets here from £20.

©Taka Wu/Matchroom Multi Sport
Gorst 逆轉絕殺 Filler 首捧冠軍
2024 世界撞球大師賽於今晨在德國的希爾德斯海姆 (Hildesheim) 落下帷幕。Fedor Gorst 逆轉擊敗德國本土作戰的 Joshua Filler,拿下個人首座 Matchroom 主要賽事冠軍。
準決賽的一場焦點戰,衛冕冠軍柯秉逸在 3-3 之後連丟5局,儘管最後時刻將分差縮小,依舊難敵天時地利人和全方位優勢的 Joshua Filler,無緣爭取衛冕。Filler 在本屆賽事對柯氏兄弟實現「雙殺」。柯秉逸在止步於準決賽後,本次大師賽以3-4名坐收,弟弟柯秉中則為5-8名。另一場準決賽,Fedor Gorst 終場 11-7 擊敗 Jayson Shaw,結束後者本屆賽事的神奇之旅,與 Filler 在凌晨迎來巔峰對決。
Gorst 在去年的莫斯考尼盃已代表美國隊出戰,而本次世界撞球大師賽又是首次以美國球員的身份挺進決賽,正好對上歐洲隊的絕對王牌 Filler,因此也是本年度莫斯考尼盃主將之間的預演。兩人交替領先,Filler 在最後階段連拿 4局,12-10 率先取得賽點,不過在主場觀眾面前心態出現波動,防守階段出現致命失誤,Gorst 在決勝局完成再見大摸,13 -12 逆轉絕殺 Filler 首奪大師賽冠軍,Filler 則無緣主場登頂!