Xia Yuying upsets Chen Siming to win Hongze Open – 夏雨瀅爆冷擊敗陳思明奪冠

2016 CBSA Hongze 9 Ball Open - Winner Xia Yuying 777x437

In women’s division of the CBSA Hongze 9-Ball Open, CHEN Siming who just came after the win in Miyun Chinese Pool International Open, was cruising again to the final as she beat JIANG Teng (7-2), BAI Ge (7-3), ZHOU doudou (9-7), GAO Meng (9-3) and Gayoung KIM (9-5) in the semi-final.

Her opponent in the final was 17 years old XIA Yuying, who made her debut on the final’s table of an international open through tough combats. In the double elimination stage, Xia won her first match but lost to Jasmin Ouschan 3-7 in the winners bracket. By defeating Wan-Ling WANG from Chinese Taipei 7-2, Xia Yuying went on to the single elimination stage, facing 3 times World Champions LIU Shasha. Xia‘s convincing performance brought her a 9-5 victory over Liu Shasha and a quick revenge on Jasmin Ouschan (9-4). The semi-final between Xia Yuying and HAN Yu was a close match which ended up 9-7 to Xia.

Being the underdog, Xia Yuying was trailing 6-9 to the more experienced Siming in the race-to-11 final match. Xia narrowed Siming‘s lead to one by winning the next two racks but came up short in the safety game in the 18th rack, to give Siming 10-8 lead and match points. The turning point was when Siming made an foul on the break and the score was tied at 10-10. In the deciding rack, Xia Yuying took advantage of Chen Siming‘s illegal break and ran the table to become the youngest winner in the history of the tournament. Xia‘s next outing will be 2016 Juniors 9-Ball World Championship in Shanghai next week (17-21 Nov.).

2016 CBSA Hongze 9 Ball Open - Womens Final

CBSA洪澤美式9球國際公開賽在女子組方面,剛奪下密云中式台球國際公開賽 冠軍的陳思明,最近可謂狀態火熱。在本站比賽中,晉級之路相對順遂。在双敗階段,分別以7-2、7-3先後擊敗姜藤與首屆中式台球世錦賽冠軍白鴿。在接下來的單敗賽中,陳思明首場比賽9-7力克周豆豆,再以9-3 輕取高夢。半決賽上,陳思明則以9-5淘汰金佳映 ,率先取得決賽門票。

而她在決賽中的對手則是年僅17歲的小將夏雨瀅。這也是夏雨瀅第一次闖進9球國際公開賽決賽。然而她的晉級之路並非一帆風順。在双敗淘汰階段的第一場比賽順利拿下後,在勝部3-7不敵Jasmin Ouschan而落入敗部。在敗部以7-2輕取了來自中華台北的王婉菱後,才晉級16強。

進入單敗淘汰階段,夏雨瀅第一場比賽的對手正是國家隊隊員 三屆世錦賽冠軍劉莎莎,憑藉著出色的發揮,最終就以9-5擊退對手。下場則再次碰上Ouschan,這次夏雨瀅則上演復仇記,9-4打敗Ouschan



夏雨瀅在本次比賽中的表現可說是相當亮眼。決賽中,双方比數你來我往,陳思明在第10局時,以6:4取得2局的領先,但隨後很快地就被追平。夏雨瀅在6:9落後下,連追2局,將比數追到8:9。第18局夏雨瀅開球後,無法繼續進攻,而一計失敗的防守也讓陳思明順利清台。10:8取得賽點。但隨後陳思明在開球上的失誤,也讓夏雨瀅逮到機會將比數追平,將比賽帶到決勝局。陳思明在決勝局中,開球犯規的情況下,也讓夏雨瀅接手後順利清台。最終就以11-10戰勝了對手。夏雨瀅也成為此系列賽事舉辦以來女子組最年輕的冠軍選手。 剛奪下冠軍的夏雨瀅,也將於下周在上海開賽的青少年世界錦標賽中出戰。

Alison, CK
Photo by Samuel Lai

Official Ball: CYCLOP 賽樂普
Official Table: STAR (Xingpai) 星牌