Tirana about to host the first European Billiards Championship ever in Albania

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阿爾巴尼亞迎來首辦歐錦賽 撞球盛會於地拉那揭開序幕!

In the upcoming four weeks, a Billiard festival will be celebrated and Tirana, Albania will be the capital of the celebrations. The venue is the Tirana Expo Center, Rruga „Gjergj Balshaj“. 24 tables are set up and waiting for the first players to arrive today. The venue is a large expo center hall and with an outside temperature of almost 40 degrees Celsius, the air condition of the building will have to work hard during the next weeks.

The festival starts with the Dynamic Billard Championships Youth. 104 athletes in the categories Under 17, Under 19 and Girls will open the games. They will compete in straight pool, 8-ball, 9-ball, 10-ball and team competition. Many medals and titles are at stake for the youngsters and it will be very interesting to see whether the established nations can gain most of them or whether surprises can be witnessed and unheralded kids claim their shots at the trophies. The Youth Championships starts tonight with the opening ceremony and ends with the 9-ball finals on August, 1st. Matches begin tomorrow at 09:00 local time.

After the Youth, the Euro-Tour comes to town with Europe’s elite players to play in the Dynamic Billard Albanian Open and in the Dynamic Billard Albanian Women Open. Around 150 players have announced for both events so far and play will start on August 5th (Open) and August 6th (Women) with both finals scheduled for August 7th. Both Euro-Tour events are played in 9-ball only and a prize fund of over 37.000,-€ in total is awarded to the players in the respective final ranks.

On August 8th, the Dynamic Billard European Championships Seniors & Ladies will commence. Another 97 players will set foot on Albanian ground and joust for titles, medals and glory. Again, straight pool, 8-ball, 9-ball, 10-ball and team competition is held and finals in 9-ball are scheduled for the last day which is August 16th, 2016.

Over 30 different nations will be represented in Tirana and it is definitely the largest event for the country so far. „Since this event is the first one in Albania, we are of course facing several challenges“, stated the President of the EPBF, Gre Leenders. „The Albanian Federation and all people involved are very kind and helpful and I am sure that we will make these events a huge success for pool for both, the EPBF and Albania“, added Leenders. „Of course it is a great endeavour to come to a „new“ country and have several events in a row, but once the tournaments are running we will be on track; I’m very sure about that“.

The Dynamic Billard European Championships Youth will begin tomorrow morning at 09:00 local time with first round matches in the straight pool discipline, Under 17 and Under 19 division.

The Championships will be played on 24 tables which will all be streamed LIVE throughout the whole event. In order to be able to follow all the action LIVE, premium membership can be purchased at www.kozoom.com. Once a premium membership is held, all events for the respective period of time can be viewed LIVE. Additionally, a huge video gallery is contained in the website.

The event will be hosted by the European Governing Body for Pool, the European Pocket Billiard Federation (EPBF) and organized by International Billiard Promotion (IBP). For further information and reference please go to the federation website www.epconline.eu, visit us on Facebook or check out our youtube channel for regular news clips or contact our press office [email protected].

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位在歐洲巴爾幹半島的阿爾巴尼亞其首都地拉那 (Tirana) 從今日起為期四周的時間,將充滿撞球氛圍! 青少年歐錦賽、歐巡賽、女子歐巡賽及元老組歐錦賽將相繼展開爭奪戰。

青少年歐錦賽、歐巡賽、女子歐巡賽及元老組歐錦賽將從今日起為期四周的時間相繼於位在歐洲巴爾幹半島的阿爾巴尼亞展開爭奪戰。此次賽事的比賽場館有別以往歐錦賽或歐巡賽多半在選手所下禢的酒店場館中進行,比賽將在地拉那會展中心 – Rruga „Gjergj Balshaj“ 登場。其場館為當地一大型展覽中心,而伴隨著選手們的還有室外高達近40°C 的高溫。室內外的溫差勢必成為選手們需要適應及克服的因素之一。

青少年歐錦賽將於今日率先登場。104位小球員們將分別在青年組、少年組及女子組展開14-1 (straight pool)、8號球、9號球及10號球 四個項目的獎牌爭奪戰。比賽將於今天當地時間上午9點 (台北時間下午3點) 開始第一個項目14-1 (straight pool)的競爭。

青少年歐錦賽結束後,歐巡賽 (EuroTour) 與女子歐巡賽 (Women EuroTour) 將緊接著登場。近約150位選手男女子選手將抵達地拉那展開今年第四站的歐巡賽。最後登場的將是元老組歐錦賽,將於8月8日揭開序幕。同樣地,將進行14-1 (straight pool)、8號球、9號球及10號球 四個項目。

“超過30個國家的選手將來道地拉那 (Tirana),這將會是阿爾巴尼亞目前為止最大的一項賽事。這是一個很好的嘗試將比賽帶到一個新的國家來進行,並且接連的舉辦幾項賽事。但由於這是阿爾巴尼亞的第一次,也讓我們面臨到些挑戰,而阿爾巴尼亞協會及所有相關的人都非常的樂於助人,我相信比賽開始後,一切都將步上正軌。我們將確保所有賽事運行順利。賽事的成功舉辦,將對於EPBF及阿爾巴尼亞在撞球項目上一個成功的里程碑。” 歐洲撞球聯盟主席 Gre Leenders 說道。

全部的24張球台都將由Kozoom提供付費視頻直播服務。登入Kozoom網站 (https://www.kozoom.com/en/pool-billiard/) 先加入會員後,即可線上購買會員通行證 (Premium Pass) 成為Premium會員。Premium會員啟用後,即可觀看所有歐洲台球協會舉辦之賽事,如歐錦賽、歐巡賽。賽事結束後,還可觀看影片庫中過往所有比賽視頻。

CN by Alison