Eklent Kaci on fire – 力克Ouschan奪歐巡賽首冠 阿爾巴尼亞小將再閃耀
Young Eklent Kaci from Albania has just won his first Euro-Tour stop. He defeated…
Young Eklent Kaci from Albania has just won his first Euro-Tour stop. He defeated…
The Dynamic Billard BHR Treviso Open 2018 in Italy have been quite successful for…
Ouschan, Ko, Filler and Kaci, advance. Hohmann goes back to his ‘old lady.’ By Te…
‘IT’S A FEELING YOU CAN’T DESCRIBE’ One year on from capturing his first ever WPA…
AUSTRIA HAVE WON the 2017 12BET World Cup of Pool as the duo of Mario He and Albi…
CHINA AND AUSTRIA completed the semi-final line-ups of the 12BET World Cup of Poo…
China 7-5 Portugal Holland 7-0 Hungary Austria 7-5 Sweden THERE WERE wins for the…
The Lord Mayoress city of Klagenfurt, the Governor of Carinthia, the President of…
At the Dynamic Billard European Championships for Men, Women and Wheelchair Athle…
The straight pool competition has commenced at the first day of the Dynamic Billa…