“美洲豹”10號球女子、團隊世錦賽克拉根福拉開序幕 九選手齊征戰世錦賽
“美洲豹” 世界女子10號球錦標賽與世界團體10號球錦標賽將於周二在奧地利 克拉根福拉開帷幕,週一上午媒體受邀至 SportPark Klagenfurt 參加新聞發布會,為賽事揭幕。
Jasmin Ouschan 的撞球運動學院是賽事的主要推廣合作夥伴,而 她本人一直是賽事的主要推手。 Ouschan 2010年在菲律賓獲得世界10號球冠軍,而這也是自2013年 Rubilen Amit 獲得冠軍以來首次舉辦該賽事。 Ouschan 是奧地利的家喻戶曉的知名運動員,她去年在奧地利的 Dancing With The Stars 節目中獲得第二名,本週她的目光將投向另一個10號球冠軍。
Ouschan: “我和我弟弟在這裡都非常有名,但人們從沒有機會能真正看到比賽,電視上也並無沒有太多關於撞球的賽事,所以能將女子與團體世界錦標賽賽事帶到我的家鄉克拉根福對我來說是非常特別且難以用語言表達的。當然,更重的壓力也隨之而來。能在我的家鄉贏得世界冠軍是一個瘋狂的想法。”
Ouschan 的第一場比賽將於奧地利當地時間週二下午4點對陣斯洛伐克的 Kristina Grim。 除了參加女子世界10號球錦標賽之外,Ouschan 還將與 Mario He 和她的弟弟 Albin 合作搭檔參加世界團體錦標賽 (奧地利A隊)。
克拉根福 (Klagenfurt) 是去年職業撞球系列賽事 (Pro Billiard Series) 奧地利公開賽的主辦場地,Kelly Fisher 在那奪下女子組冠軍。 Fisher 在海南三亞贏得了最後一個女子9號球世錦賽冠軍,很高興有機會在本週爭奪兩個世界冠軍頭銜。
“很高興回到美麗的克拉根福。這是一個很棒的賽事,不僅僅是因我去年在這獲勝,還有為舉辦一場這樣的賽事所付出的努力。比賽場館很棒,選手們無法不喜歡在此打球。我很期待著這次的比賽! 同時擁有團體和女子世界10 號球錦標賽兩個大型賽事,是我們過去10年未曾有過的。非常令人興奮並期待著,這將會是非常特別且令人難忘的一周。”
奧地利當地時間上午9點 (台北時間下午3點),魏子茜將對上西班牙的 Maria Ropero,周婕妤碰上荷蘭選手 Jolien Schuurman;上午11點 (台北時間下午5點),陳禾耘迎戰歐巡賽排名現居第三的波蘭名將 Oliwia Zalewska,陳佳樺對陣波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納的 Hannan Memic;下午1點 (台北時間下午7點),蘇憶雲將挑戰前世界冠軍,菲律賓名將 Rubilen Amit;緊接著下午4點 (台北時間晚上10點),謝喻雯迎來日本名將河原千尋,郭思廷面對荷蘭的 Tamara Rademakers。
賽事將有主、副兩張球台的賽事直播。 一桌將在 World Billiard TV YouTube 頻道,另一個則在 watchbilliard.tv 。 另外,所有11張球桌的比賽直播視頻都可在 Kozoom.com 上免費觀看。

©Alison Chang
【奧地利與台灣時差 -6 小時】
9am – 台北時間下午3點
魏子茜 v Maria Ropero
周婕妤 v Jolien Schuurman
11am – 台北時間下午5點
Oliwia Zalewska v 陳禾耘
Hannan Memic v 陳佳樺
1pm – 台北時間下午7點
Rubilen Amit v 蘇憶雲
4pm – 台北時間晚上10點
Chihiro Kawahara 河原千尋 v 謝喻雯
Tamara Rademakers v 郭思廷

©Pro Billiard Series
The Predator World Women’s 10-Ball Championship and Predator World Teams Championship commence in Klagenfurt, Austria on Tuesday and on Monday morning media were welcomed to the SportPark Klagenfurt for the official press conference to open the event.
DRAW: Predator World Women’s 10-Ball Championship
Jasmin Ouschan’s Billiard Sport Academy is a major promotional partner of the events and the 36-year-old herself has been a leading driving force behind them. Ouschan was World 10-Ball Champion in 2010 but this is the first time the event has been staged since 2013, when Rubilen Amit was champion. Ouschan is a well-known name in Austria, she finished second the country’s Dancing With The Stars last year and has her eyes set on another 10-Ball title this week.
“Bringing a World Championship women’s event and team event to Klagenfurt is absolutely indescribable,” she said. “My brother and I are really known here but the people never really get to see anything.
DRAW: Predator World Teams Championship
“There’s not much pool on television so bringing a big tournament to my hometown is so special. I know I have an extra portion of pressure that comes with it. Winning a World Championship in my hometown is just a crazy thought.
“We have so much support from the city of Klagenfurt, from our county Carinthia, but also with Predator. Together we created such a cool team. I have to say, in the last couple of weeks, I did less and less because I am an athlete at the end of the day. But of course, I was always involved, and seeing what we have all done together here makes me extremely proud. I’m hoping that all the players and also the federations will see what we’re doing here for the sport and for the athletes.”
Ouschan’s first match will be against Kristina Grim of Slovakia at 4pm on Tuesday. As well as competing in the Women’s World 10-Ball Championship, Ouschan will also feature in the World Teams Championship, partnering with Mario He and her brother Albin on Austria’s ‘A’ team.
Austria A is one of eight teams seeded into the winners’ side of the brackets. They will face the winners of Portugal vs New Zealand, which plays at 7pm on Tuesday.
Klagenfurt was host venue of last year’s Pro Billiard Series Austrian Opens, where Kelly Fisher took home the Women’s title. The Brit won the last Women’s World 9-Ball title and is excited to have the opportunity to compete for two World titles this week.
“It is very nice to be back in this beautiful city of Klagenfurt,” Fisher told the assembled media. “It is such a great event, not just because I won here last year, but because of the effort that goes into putting on such an event. The arena is awesome and players can only but love playing here.
“I am looking forward to the event. It is very exciting to have both the Teams and the Women’s World 10-Ball Championship, which we haven’t had for ten years. To have two massive events happening at the same time is spectacular, and I’m looking forward to a great, action-packed week. It is going to be a very special and a very memorable week.”
The draw and brackets for the Predator World Women’s 10-Ball Championship can be seen here: https://probilliardseries.com/event/1677/. Play begins at 9am on Tuesday.
The draw and brackets for the Predator World Teams Championship is at https://probilliardseries.com/event/1678/. Play begins 7pm on Tuesday.
The event will broadcast two tables with full live coverage and commentary every day. One will be available on the World Billiard TV YouTube Channel and another will be at watchbilliard.tv. All tables can be viewed live at Kozoom.com.
Follow @probilliardseries on Facebook, @probilliardseries on Instagram or @PBilliardSeries on Twitter to follow the next events.