Predator Pro Billiard Series To Take 2 WPA World Championships To Venezuela in October|男子8球與女子10球世錦賽移師委內瑞拉

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The 2024 Yalin WPA Men’s World 8-Ball Championship and VenBilliards WPA Women’s World 10-Ball Championship will be staged in Venezuela from October 9-20 after a new three-year partnership was agreed between the Predator Pro Billiard Series and VenBilliardsCorporation.

The Predator Pro Billiard Series has also agreed a three-year partnership with Yalin to be the official sponsor of the Yalin WPA Men’s World 8-Ball Championship until 2026.

The Yalin WPA Men’s World 8-Ball Championship presents a 64-player field, while the VenBilliards WPA Women’s World 10-Ball Championship showcases 48 players. Both prestigious tournaments will be conducted in two stages, with Stage 1 scheduled from October 9th to 11th and Stage 2 from October 14th to 20th. Moreover, to amplify the thrill, an invitational mixed doubles tournament rounds out the trio of events in Venezuela, culminating in a collective prize fund of $500,000.

The agreement to stage these events in Venezuela is another step in the growth of the Pro Billiard Series and will represent the first time that WPA World Championships have been hosted in South America. Alongside the continuation of Pro Billiard Series and WPA World Championship events in Puerto Rico, it is hoped these tournaments will help spur the growth of billiards and professional events across Latin and South America.

Karim Belhaj, CEO of Predator Group, explained: “Billiards is rapidly growing all over Latin America. This will be the catalyst around which more events will develop all over the region. We have seen great talent coming from Latin America and this will help us see even more of that talent as we bring an event like this to Latin America. These events will inspire others.

“It’s part of our commitment to develop the sport we love all around the world. It’s again an example of people who are passionate about the sport coming together to build something that will change the sport in that continent.

“These events are possible because of a great collaboration with Pro Billiard Series, WPA, CPB, and our partners VenBilliards Corporation and Yalin. Through these collaborations we can move mountains.”

Ishaun Singh, president of the World Pool Association said: “I’m thrilled about the upcoming events in Venezuela this October! With half a million dollars in prize funds and top-tier competitions, it’s a remarkable moment for our sport”.

“Hosting these events in Venezuela will not only showcase talent but also foster billiards’ growth across the Americas. Thanks to all involved for making this possible. Your support and enthusiasm are crucial in making events like these truly special. Let’s come together to make this a celebration to remember and ensure the continued success of billiards in Venezuela and beyond.”

Eric Ding, President of Yalin added: “It’s our pleasure to partner with the Predator Pro Billiard Series to promote the WPA World 8-Ball Men’s Championship.

“China Yalin Sports Group and the US Predator Group, the two powerful companies in the East and West will once again write a new chapter in the global billiards sports, to take the WPA World 8-Ball Men’s Championship to a new climax!”

Patrizia Petricca of VenBilliards Corporation said: “For me and my team it’s a pleasure and an honor to start a strong collaboration with Predator Group to develop the pool sport in Latin America”.

“As VenBilliards our vision is to give visibility to the sport in the world and especially in our region. We have great players that greatly enjoy the events, products, and sponsorships that only a brand like Predator can give”.

“We are happy to open the doors of our country Venezuela for the 2024 WPA World Championships. ¡Bienvenidos and let’s make magic together!”

Set in Caracas, Venezuela, the upcoming world championships promise an unforgettable experience for players, fans, and partners alike. Surrounded by stunning natural beauty, from pristine beaches to lush rainforests, Venezuela offers a unique backdrop for the event. Caracas, the vibrant capital city, pulsates with energy, offering visitors a taste of its dynamic culture and rich history. With its captivating scenery and lively atmosphere, Venezuela provides the perfect setting for an exhilarating showcase of billiards talent, ensuring a memorable experience for all involved.

All Predator Pro Billiard Series tournaments are streamed free on the Pro Billiard TV YouTube channel and on Billiard TV. Fans can also come and watch the action live for free at the venue. For more information visit and follow @ProBilliardSeries on social media.

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©Pro Billiard Series


美洲豹職撞系列賽 (Predator Pro Billiard Series) 宣布與 VenBilliardsCorporation 達成為期三年的新合作協議,並表示 2024 “亞林” WPA 世界男子8號球錦標賽與 “VenBilliards” WPA 世界女子10號球錦標賽將於 10月09-20日於委內瑞拉舉行。與此同時,美洲豹職撞系列賽也與亞林達成為期三年的合作協議,直至2026年亞林都將為世界男子8號球錦標賽的官方贊助商。

“亞林” WPA 世界男子8號球錦標賽將有64名選手參賽,而 “VenBilliards” WPA 世界女子10號球錦標賽則有48名選手。此兩項賽事將分為兩階段進行,第一階段將於 10月9-11日,第二階段則訂於 10月14-20日。此外,還將舉行一場混雙邀請賽,三項賽事總獎金將高達50萬美元。

在委內瑞拉舉辦這些賽事的協議是職業撞球系列賽發展的又一步,也是 WPA 世界錦標賽首次在南美洲舉辦。 除了在波多黎各繼續舉辦職業撞球系列賽和 WPA 世界錦標賽賽事外,希望這些賽事將有助於刺激拉丁美洲和南美洲撞球和職業賽事的發展。

美洲豹集團執行長 Karim Belha 說道: “撞球在整個拉丁美洲迅速發展。 此一系列賽事的舉辦將有望成為整個地區舉辦更多賽事的催化劑。 過往賽事中我們看到來自拉丁美洲的優秀選手,而當我們將賽事帶到拉丁美洲之時,亦有助於發掘更多的優秀選手。然而,這些賽事之所以能夠舉辦,是因為我們透過與職業撞球系列賽 (PBS)、WPA、CPB 、我們的合作夥伴 VenBilliards Corporation 以及亞林集團間的良好合作。”

世界撞球協會主席 Ishaun Singh 說道: “我對今年十月即將在委內瑞拉舉行的賽事感到非常興奮! 高額獎金和頂級賽事,這對我們的運動來說是一個非凡的時刻。在委內瑞拉舉辦這些賽事不僅可以展現才華,更能促進撞球運動在美洲的發展。 感謝所有參與者使這一切成為可能。 你們的支持與熱情對於這項運動特別地至關重要,讓我們齊心協力舉辦一系列賽事,並確保撞球運動在委內瑞拉及其他地區持續取得成功。”

亞林集團總裁丁守林 則說道: “我們很高興與美洲豹職撞系列賽事一起合作推廣 WPA 世界男子8號球錦標賽。中國亞林集團與美洲豹集團這兩家東西方的實力企業將再次為全球撞球運動普寫下新篇章,將WPA 男子8號世錦賽推向新峰。”

VenBilliards 公司代表 Patrizia Petricca 則表示: “對於我和我的團隊來說,能夠與美洲豹期團一同深入合作以發展拉丁美洲的撞球運動是為榮幸。對於我們來說,我們的願景是讓這項運動在世界上,更尤其是在我們的地區受到關注。我們很高興為委內瑞拉敞開大門迎接 2024 WPA 世界錦標賽以及大家的到來!”