Filler takes down Stepanov – 歐巡賽破紀錄267選手參賽 Filler 扳倒 Stepanov 挺進下一輪

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Joshua Filler (GER) has defeated Konstantin Stepanov (RUS) in an exciting match with 9:4.

It was a tough draw for both in the first winner’s round. Filler made short work of Kristjan Kuusik (EST) and won 9:4 in the first round match. Stepanov had a walk-over in that round. Then these two high-standard players met. They have both taken a silver medal last week, Stepanov in straight pool and Filler in 9-ball. The heat seemed to be on in the match. After eight racks, the scoreboard displayed a tie at 4:4. None of the two could get away from the opponent. „Both our breaks did not work in the beginning“, stated Filler in an interview. „Finally, at 4:4 my break started to be good. Fortunately for me, Stepanov still had to struggle.“ That was the difference that one of them needed. Filler consequently made use of Stepanov’s break and put also his own racks in his account. In the end, Filler defeated Stepanov with 9:4 and advanced to the next winner’s round where he will play Alen Muratovic (BIH) tomorrow morning at 10:30 CET.

Other interesting results from today include Daniele Corrieri (ITA) winning with 9:8 only over Ruslan Chinakhov (RUS). Nick Ekonomopoulos (GRE) defeated Karl Boyes (GBR) also with the same result in the same round. Sebastian Ludwig (GER) remained the upper hand over Mieszko Fortunski (POL) 9:5.

In the women’s event, Tamara Peeters-Rademakers (NED) managed to defeat Kristina Grim (GER) 7:4. Melanie Suessenguth (GER) overpowered her teammate Ina Kaplan (GER) 7:2.

Action continues here tomorrow morning at 09:00 CET in the Open event with matches of the second round, winners and losers. In the women’s event, matches of the first winner’s and loser’s round will be played.

The tournaments are played on 24 tables which will all be in a livestream throughout the events. In order to be able to follow all the action LIVE, premium membership can be purchased at Once a premium membership is held, all events for the respective period of time can be viewed LIVE. Additionally, a huge video gallery is contained in the website.

The event is hosted by the European Governing Body for Pool, the European Pocket Billiard Federation (EPBF) and organized by International Billiard Promotion (IBP). For further information and reference please go to the federation website, visit us on Facebook or check out our youtube channel for regular news clips or contact our press office.

2016 Eurotour Austrian Open - Filler takes down Stepanov

歐巡賽破紀錄267選手參賽 Filler 扳倒 Stepanov 挺進下一輪

歐巡賽奧地利公開賽及女子公開賽今晨在奧地利蓬高地區聖約翰地 Alpina Sports & Wellness 酒店結束了第一天賽程。此次共計有267位選手參賽 (公開組 215 名及女子組 52 名),這也打破了去年葡萄牙的參賽人數紀錄。所有選手來自全歐洲各地,更有來自新加坡、越南、阿聯、科威特及泰國等地的選手參加,首日賽程從奧地利時間上午9點開打,最後一場則為晚上11:30。

男子組在勝部第一輪中,德國新星 Joshua Filler 迎來俄羅斯好手 Konstantin Stepanov 。Filler 在首場比賽先以9:4 輕取愛沙尼亞的 Kristjan KuusikStepanov 則獲輪空。兩位選手在甫結束的歐錦賽都各斬獲一面銀牌,Stepanov 拿下straight pool (14-1) 而 Filler 則摘下9號球。8局過後 雙方 4-4 平手,此前兩位選手的衝球都不繼理想。然後地9局開始,Filler 的衝球似乎得到一些進展,利用 Stepanov 開球後的機會也把握住自己的衝球局,一局局的拿下,最終就已9:4擊敗 Stepanov 進到勝部下一輪,他在下一場比賽的對手將是來自波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納的 Alen Muratovic

其他場次方面,義大利名將 Daniele Corrieri 9-8 戰勝俄羅斯好手 Ruslan Chinakho。希臘名將 Nick Ekonomopoulos 同樣地以 9-8 力克前世錦賽8號球冠軍 Karl Boyes。德國的 Sebastian Ludwig 則以 9:5 擊敗上一站歐巡賽冠軍 波蘭的 Mieszko Fortunski

女子組方面,荷蘭的 Tamara Peeters-Rademakers 7-4 打敗在歐錦賽剛拿下9號球銅牌的來自德國的 Kristina Grim。另一場德國的 Melanie Suessenguth 則是以 7-2 擊敗她的隊友 Ina Kaplan

奧地利當地時間今天上午9典將繼續進行公開組勝部及敗部第二輪賽程。女子組則將進行勝部及敗部第一輪。全部的24張球台將由 Kozoom 提供高畫質付費視頻直播服務。登入 Kozoom 網站 ( ) 先加入會員後,即可線上購買會員通行證 (Premium Pass) 成為Premium會員。Premium會員啟用後,即可觀看所有歐洲台球協會EPBF舉辦之賽事,如歐錦賽、歐巡賽。賽事結束後,還可觀看影片庫中過往所有比賽視頻。
