DynaSpheres Launches the WPA 8-Ball World Cup in Taiwan

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中文 CN

DynaSpheres, in collaboration with the Chinese Taipei Billiards Federation, proudly announces the launch of the DynaSpheres WPA 8-Ball World Cup, a prestigious event featuring Men’s and Women’s ranked tournaments with a combined prize fund of $750,000. Additionally, the Junior’s (boys and girls) 8-Ball World Championship will be held from July 24-27, 2025, in Taipei City.

Adrian Wang, CEO of GDM Sports, expressed his excitement: “Over the past five years, the success of our Phenolic Resin Balls has revolutionized the billiards industry. Now, it’s time for DynaSpheres to take the next step in promoting the sport. Our ambition is to create the world’s premier annual 8-Ball event, welcoming the best Women, Men, and Youth talents from all continents to my hometown.”

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Ishaun Singh, WPA President, shared his enthusiasm: “I’m thrilled to see this event added to the global calendar. With DynaSpheres, the WPA welcomes a new international promoter offering the high prize money top players deserve, alongside a World Championship for the next generation. 8-Ball is a fantastic discipline, and I’m confident pool fans will enjoy watching it.”

The tournament will feature 17 tables set up in Taipei Stadium, including two TV tables. Matches will be broadcast live on DAZN Taiwan, with additional livestream coverage provided by Kozoom, now part of Drawshots Studio, a new media agency specializing in cue sports: www.drawshots-studio.com.

Global Qualifiers:
To ensure worldwide representation, qualifier tournaments for the Men’s and Women’s events will be held across various continents, giving talented players from around the globe an opportunity to compete in the World Cup.

Stay Updated:
Further details, including player entry procedures and fan viewing options, will be announced soon. Subscribe to our newsletter at WorldCup8Ball.com to stay informed.

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黛納斯菲首場世界級 𝐈𝐏 賽事,總獎金高達 𝟕𝟓 萬美金!

黛納斯菲 Dynaspheres® 聯合 WPA (世界花式撞球協會),正式宣布由黛納斯菲冠名,亞洲撞球有限公司執行的黛納斯菲 WPA 男、女子美式八號球世界盃與黛納斯菲 WPA 青少年美式八號球世界錦標賽,將於 2025年7月24-27日,在台北體育館同期舉行,共同拉開精彩序幕!

本次比賽將刷新職業賽歷史最高獎金紀錄 —— 總獎金高達 750,000美元!值得一提的是,男子組與女子組的冠軍獎金均設定為 80,000美元,這是業界首創之舉,首次實現男女選手的獎金都達到這一標準。

GDM Sports 首席執行官王俊凱表示:“過去五年,黛納斯菲取得了巨大成功。現在,是時候讓黛納斯菲邁出下一步,推動撞球運動的發展。我們的目標是打造全球頂級的年度八號球賽事,吸引來自世界各地的男子、女子以及青少年優秀選手。WPA 賽事涵蓋八、九、十號球等項目,而其中八號球是關注度最高、影響力最大的,我們希望通過八號球賽事的開展,吸引更多觀眾領略撞球運動的精彩。”

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WPA主席 Mr. Ishaun Singh 也對此充滿期待。他說:“我非常高興看到這項賽事加入明年的全球賽程。黛納斯菲為男子、女子組設立了公平的獎金,同時也籌辦了青少年世界錦標賽,為下一代提供舞台。八號球是一項充滿魅力的比賽項目,我相信撞球愛好者們會非常享受這場精彩賽事。”

會外賽 全球布局
本次賽事將在全球範圍內舉辦 15 場會外賽,包括非洲、美洲、歐洲、亞洲內的多個國家和地區,讓來自世界各地的優秀選手都能共襄這場盛會。

屆時比賽將設有兩張電視轉播台,賽事直播將通過 DAZN 台灣進行呈現。此外,值得關注的是 Drawshots Studio 也將參與到此次賽事直播當中,若想了解 Drawshots Studio 有關信息,可訪問:https://drawshots-studio.com/
