One year ago, Wiktor Zielinski became the first player from Poland to break through at a large-scale event, defeating Aloysius Yapp to win the Alfa Las Vegas Open.
Heading into the final day of this year’s Open, Zielinski’s hopes to repeat as champion remain firmly in tact, as the Pole defeated 2020 champion Jung-Lin Chang in straight sets Saturday night at the Rio All-Suites Hotel and Casino. The Pole will now face Vietnam’s Duong Quoc Hoang, who came from behind to beat Shane Van Boening.
After Zielinski won the first set, 4-2, the two competitors split the first two games of the second frame until the Pole clawed ahead with a victorious safety exchange. He failed to pocket a ball on the break in the following game but forced Chang into fouling, allowing him to tack on another win and climb onto the hill. Chang, who reached the quarterfinals by defeating Albin Ouschan and Joshua Filler, cut the deficit to 3-2 when he forced Zielinski into a foul with a safety but lost the next game and the match when his opponent used the same strategy, finding an opening to run out after multiple safeties on the 2 ball.

Defending Champion Wiktor Zielinski of Poland|©Pro Billiard Series
On an adjacent table, Hoang was taking advantage of a handful of unforced errors by Van Boening to grind his way into the semifinals.
The American won the first two racks of the opening set then took advantage of a missed cut shot on the 2 ball by his opponent to build an early 3-0 advantage. Van Boening, who reached the quarterfinals with victories over Eklent Kaci and Konrad Juszczyszyn, closed out the set in the next game when he forced Hoang into a foul with a safety.
He drew first blood in the second set when his opponent missed the 1 ball but again failed to make a ball on the break, allowing Hoang to drill home a combination shot on the 10 ball. Hoang climbed ahead after Van Boening missed a soft 7 ball in the side pocket, then increased his lead when he pocketed another combination after forcing the American into committing another foul. Van Boening had a chance to pull to within a game of the lead but missed the 6 ball, allowing his opponent to sail to a 4-1 second set win.

Duong Quoc Hoang 楊國皇 (VIE 越南)|©Pro Billiard Series
In the deciding set, Van Boening took advantage of a Hoang miss in the opening game to take an early lead but both players continued to be plagued by breaking struggles, failing to land a ball on the opening shot. Hoang tied the score after trading safeties, gave away a chance at the lead when he scratched but recovered in the next game when Van Boening scratched on the break. With the score now knotted at two, Hoang closed out the set by taking advantage of a missed 3 ball by Van Boening in the fifth game then breaking and running.
Zielinski will have familiar company in the semifinals, with fellow countryman Daniel Maciol defeating Bader Alawadhi 4-3, 4-1 in the quarterfinals, meaning half of the event’s remaining four competitors are from Poland. Maciol will face Sanjin Pehlivanovic, who defeated Vitaliy Patsura in straight sets as well.

Daniel Maciol|©Pro Billiard Series
Semifinals are scheduled to begin at 12 p.m. local time and the finals are slated to start at 4 p.m.
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Sanjin Pehlivanovic (BIH)|©Pro Billiard Series
張榮麟止步八強 女子組五將力拼晉級
2023 拉斯維加斯公開賽-男子組在經過四天的激戰於昨晚在拉斯維加斯的里約賭場飯店產生了最後四強。
柯秉逸在32強中以 2-1 戰勝 Fedor Gorst,然下一輪 0-2 敗給越南選手楊國皇;吳坤霖則是先擊敗張玉龍 (2-1) 後,1-2 負於2017 青少年9號球世錦賽 U17組冠軍,來自波士尼亞與赫塞哥維納 21歲的 Sanjin Pehlivanovic,Pehlivanovic 取得半決賽門票。越南選手楊國皇 (Duong Quoc Hoang) 在八強以 2-1 扳倒五屆美國公開賽冠軍 Shane Van Boening 晉級半決賽。
張榮麟分別以 2-0、2-1 連續淘汰兩位前9號球世界冠軍 Albin Ouschan 與 Joshua Filler 之後,接著八強賽上 0-2 的比數輸給拉斯維加斯公開賽衛冕冠軍,22歲的波蘭小將 Wiktor Zieliński。Zieliński 在 2017年時以16歲之姿拿下歐巡賽-特雷維索公開賽冠軍,成為有史以來贏得歐巡賽最年輕的球員,將在半決賽迎戰越南選手楊國皇。

Jung-Lin Chang 張榮麟|©Pro Billiard Series
女子組方面,在勝部第一輪比賽中,蘇憶雲 1-2 不敵於俄羅斯好手 Kristina Tkach 落入敗部,在當日晚間的敗部第二輪中以直落二拿下美國選手 Sofia Mast,蘇憶雲將繼續奮戰於下一場比賽對戰 Angeline Ticoalu (印尼)。 李心語則以 2-1 的比數將 WPBA名人堂球員,英國名將Allison Fisher 送往敗部,要在下一輪的勝部資格賽迎戰韓國年輕小將徐序亞 (Seo Seoa) 以尋求晉級的機會。
女子10號球世界冠軍周婕妤以2-1險勝加拿大公開賽冠軍陳佳樺,周婕妤將對上印尼選手 Silviana Lu 爭取單敗淘汰賽門票。而陳佳樺將與葡萄牙選手Sara Rocha在敗部第三輪交手。”倩影殺手” 魏子茜連續兩場以直落二橫掃 Sofia Mast (美國) 與韓國選手李梧靜 (Woojin Lee),將於迎戰同樣來自中華台北的江水淨。

Yi-Yun Su 蘇憶雲 (file: 2022 Womens 10ball WC)|©Alison Chang
Men Division 男子組 | |
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Women Division 女子組 | |
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Men Division 男子組
2/22 – DAY 1
【Round 1 首輪】
唐境霆 1 – 2 Francesco Candela (ITA 義大利)
許睿安 0 – 2 Joshua Filler (GER 德國)
柯秉漢 2 – 0 David Yonan (USA 美國)
【Winner Round 1 勝部第一輪】
柯秉逸 2 – 0 Nathan Neergaard (NOR 挪威)
張榮麟 2 – 0 Alan Rolon Rosado (PUR 波多黎各)
柯秉中 2 – 0 Ray Robles (USA 美國)
張玉龍 0 – 2 Aleksa Pecelj (SRB 塞爾維亞)
柯秉漢 0 – 2 Mika Immonen (FIN 芬蘭)
吳坤霖 2 – 0 Andrew Kong Bu Hong 江浡康 (HKG 香港)
2/23 – DAY 2
【Loser Round 2 敗部第二輪】
唐境霆 1 – 2 Tyler Styer (USA 美國) 點球
柯秉漢 0 – 2 Edgie Geronimo (USA 美國)
許睿安 2 – 0 Kurt Kobayashi (USA 美國)
【Winners Qualification 勝部資格賽】
柯秉逸 2 – 0 Sharik Sayed (SGP 新加坡)
張榮麟 2 – 0 Shane Van Boening (USA 美國)
柯秉中 2 – 0 Kang Lee (USA 美國)
吳坤霖 2 – 1 Jan van Lierop (NED 荷蘭)
【Loser Round 3 敗部第三輪】
張玉龍 2 – 0 Edgie Geronimo (USA 美國)
許睿安 2 – 0 Matt Krah (USA 美國)
2/24 – DAY 3
【Losers Qualification 敗部資格賽】
張玉龍 2 – 0 José Alberto Delgado (ESP 西班牙)
許睿安 2 – 0 Mickey Krause (DEN 丹麥)
【Last 64 單敗】
許睿安 0 – 2 Fedor Gorst
柯秉逸 2 – 0 Yoshihiro Kitatani 北谷好宏 (JPN 日本)
張榮麟 2 – 0 Omar Al Shaheen (KUW 科威特)
柯秉中 1 – 2 Mieszko Fortuński (POL 波蘭)
吳坤霖 2 – 0 Kang Lee (USA 美國)
張玉龍 2 – 1 Francisco Sanchez Ruiz (ESP 西班牙)
2/25 – DAY 4
【Last 32】
柯秉逸 2 – 1 Fedor Gorst
張榮麟 2 – 0 Albin Ouschan (AUT)
吳坤霖 2 – 1 張玉龍
【Last 16】
柯秉逸 0 – 2 Duong Quoc Hoang 楊國皇 (VIE)
張榮麟 2 – 1 Joshua Filler (GER)
吳坤霖 1 – 2 Sanjin Pehlivanovic (BIH)
【QF 八強】
Duong Quoc Hoang 楊國皇 2 – 1 Shane Van Boening
張榮麟 0 – 2 Wiktor Zieliński (POL)
Daniel Macioł (POL) 2 – 0 Bader alawadhi (KUW)
Sanjin Pehlivanovic 2 – 0 Vitaliy Patsura (UKR)
2/26 – DAY 5
【SF 半決賽】
楊國皇 Duong Quoc Hoang v Wiktor Zieliński
Daniel Macioł v Sanjin Pehlivanovic
Women Division 女子組
2/24 – DAY 1
【Round 1 首輪】
范育瑄 2 – 0 Elena Baptiste (CAN 加拿大)
洪夢霞 (AUS) 2 – 0 Soledad Ayala (ARG 阿根廷)
王婉菱 2 – 1 Sara Rocha (POR 葡萄牙)
呂翊瑄 1 – 2 Eylül Kibaroglu (TUR 土耳其)
蘇憶雲 2 – 0 Kennedy Meyman (USA 美國)
魏子茜 2 – 0 Sofia Mast (USA 美國)
江水淨 W – FF Joy Hutcheson (USA 美國)
陳佳樺 2 – 0 Natalie Stanton (USA 美國)
周婕妤 2 – 0 Samantha Shaw (USA 美國)
李心語 2 – 0 Tamara Rademakers (NED 荷蘭)
Asian Players
Sakura Muramatsu 村松 櫻 (JPN 日本) 2 – 0 Precilia Kinsley (USA 美國)
Kim Bogeon 金甫建 (KOR 韓國) 2 – 0 Maryann McConnell (CAN 加拿大)
Huyen Huynh Thi Ngoc (VIE 越南) 0 – 2 Sara Miller (USA 美國)
Tram Nguyen Bich (VIE 越南) 0 – 2 Kristina Zlateva (BUL 保加利亞)
Woojin Lee 李梧靜 (KOR 韓國) 2 – 0 Jeri Engh (USA 美國)
Angeline Ticoalu (INA 印尼) 0 – 2 Elise Qiu (NED 荷蘭)
Silviana Lu (INA 印尼) 2 – 0 Sue Orr (USA 美國)
Seo Seoa 徐序亞 (KOR 韓國) 2 – 1 Briana Miller (USA 美國)
Vang Bui Xuan (VIE 越南) 1 – 2 Allison Fisher (GBR 英國)
2/25 – DAY 2
【Winner Round 1 勝部第一輪】
范育瑄 1 – 2 洪夢霞
王婉菱 2 – 1 Sakura Muramatsu 村松 櫻
蘇憶雲 1 – 2 Kristina Tkach
魏子茜 2 – 0 Woojin Lee 李梧靜
江水淨 2 – 0 Elise Qiu (NED)
陳佳樺 1 – 2 周婕妤
李心語 2 – 1 Allison Fisher (GBR)
Kim Bogeon 金甫建 0 – 2 Eylül Kibaroglu (TUR)
Silviana Lu 2 – 1 Savannah Easton (USA)
Seo Seoa 徐序亞 2 – 0 April Larson (USA)
【Loser Round 1 敗部第一輪】
呂翊瑄 2 – 0 Maryann McConnell (CAN)
Huyen Huynh Thi Ngoc 1 – 2 Aleksandra Guleikova
Tram Nguyen Bich 2 – 0 Julie Madlener (USA)
Angeline Ticoalu W – “FF” Joy Hutcheson (USA)
Vang Bui Xuan 2 – 1 Tamara Rademakers (NED)
【Loser Round 2 敗部第二輪】
呂翊瑄 1 – 2 陳佳樺
蘇憶雲 2 – 0 Sofia Mast (USA)
范育瑄 2 – 0 Briana Miller (USA)
Woojin Lee 李梧靜 2 – 0 Kennedy Meyman (USA)
Tram Nguyen Bich 2 – 1 Joann Mason-Parker (USA)
Angeline Ticoalu 2 – 0 Melissa Morris (USA)
Kim Bogeon 金甫建 2 – 0 Samantha Shaw (USA)
Sakura Muramatsu 村松 櫻 2 – 0 Sue Orr (USA)
Vang Bui Xuan 1 – 2 Alara Ghaffari
2/26 – DAY 3
【Winners Qualification 勝部資格賽】
洪夢霞 v Kelly Fisher
王婉菱 v Eylül Kibaroglu
魏子茜 v 江水淨
周婕妤 v Silviana Lu
李心語 v Seo Seoa 徐序亞
【Loser Round 3 敗部第三輪】
陳佳樺 v Sara Rocha
蘇憶雲 v Angeline Ticoalu
范育瑄 v Alara Ghaffari
Woojin Lee 李梧靜 v Elise Qiu
Tram Nguyen Bich v Veronique Menard (CAN)
Kim Bogeon 金甫建 v Sakura Muramatsu 村松 櫻