Day 3 Review of The World Chinese 8ball Masters Grand Final – 總決賽第三日綜述

World Chinese 8-Ball Masters 3D logo_strong_7_7

The 5th World Chinese Eight Ball Masters Grand Final 2017 concluded its third day of competition in Qinhuangdao, China. The crowd was sad to see strong players such as WU Zhenyu, ZHANG Guanghao, XIE Zhaohui, Denis Grabe, as well as Albin Ouschan all joined the elimination list that already contains YANG Fan, SHI Hanqing, WANG Yun and LI Bo. DAI Yong and Francisco Diaz Pizarro were unable to maintain the winning streak and had to play in the consolation bracket. SHEN Chongyang and ZHANG Kunpeng were ready in the winners’ bracket final.

Wu and Zhang were sent to the other side by Dai and GONG Haifeng respectively, and then both were knocked out of the tournament by ZHAO Ruliang. Zhao opened his match 7:1 against Wu and eventually won by 13:6. Following this, Zhao made six racks in a row to win 13:7 against Zhang despite his effort to make it 7:7 after a bad opening.

2017 World Chinese 8ball Masters Grand Finale - DAY 3 Zhao Ruliang

ZHAO Ruliang 趙汝亮

The performance of the veteran trio XIE Zhaohui, LI Hui and YU Ting might be describe as perfect, but they all had a better opponent on the day. Xie, who took down Yang previously, came back to square at 11 all from being 2:8 down, but still faced his Waterloo against Potts with the final being 13:11 in Potts’ favour. Ah Ti of Myanmar broke and ran in the decider at 12:12 to see off Li, while Yu lost to ZHENG Yubo 10:13.

In the other matches, WAN Tongle lost 6:13 to WANG Peng, while Corey Deuel (USA) and Justin Campbell (Australia) also joined the elimination list. DAI Yong, who had taken down Wang and Zhang previously, was knocked into the consolation bracket after being thrashed by ZHANG Kunpeng with a score of 13:6.

It was not exactly joyride for ZHENG Yubo and Gareth Potts, but both of them won their matches in the end. After taking down YU Ting, Zheng saw off Phone Myint Kyaw with a score of 13:9. The match between Potts and Ouschan in the sixth round was a close one. Potts was leading 8:5 but Ouschan made 5 break-and-runs to square it at 11 all. In the end, it was Potts who had a better day with his better experience and won the match 13:11.

2017 World Chinese 8ball Masters Grand Finale - DAY 3 Gareth Potts

Gareth Potts

SHEN Chongyang saw off ZHAO Yunbiao and faced XI Hongyu in the sixth round.  Shen came back to win 13:10 after trailing 0:5, thus being the first player secure a seat in the semi-finals with these two important wins.

ZHANG Kunpeng had a fantastic game with Francisco Diaz Pizarro, the only overseas player left in the winner’s bracket. Both players demonstrated excellent charisma on the table in the beginning, but Zhang grew stronger and stronger as the game went on, snatching the ultimate win (18:9) and will joined SHEN Chongyang as one of the fours in the semi-finals. Pizarro had to fight his way in the consolation bracket.

2017 World Chinese 8ball Masters Grand Finale - DAY 3 Wang Peng

WANG Peng 王鵬

第五屆喬氏杯中式八球國際大師賽全球總決賽結束了第三日的爭奪。 令人遺憾的是,繼楊帆、石漢青、王云、李博之後,備受矚目的實力戰將吳振宇、張廣豪、謝召輝、李輝、Denis Grabe、Albin Ouschan也紛紛折戟。一直保持全勝狀態的代勇、Francisco Diaz Pizarro也跌落敗部,而申重陽則攜手張堃鵬率先闖進勝部決賽。


而謝召輝、李輝和於庭三位老將的發揮則堪稱完美! 遺憾的是,他們遇到了更為強勁的對手。李輝與緬甸的楊紹杰打滿25局,12:12,決勝局被對手一桿炸清絕殺出局。接連斬落楊帆等勁敵的謝召輝在2:8落後波茨時,憑借精湛的球技,頑強將比分追至11:11,到最後卻未能逃脫失敗的命運,11:13慘遭滑鐵盧。而于庭在與鄭宇伯的對抗中,雖發揮出色,卻依然沒能逃脫失敗的命運,10:13遺憾離場。

2017 World Chinese 8ball Masters Grand Finale - DAY 3 Shen Chongyang

SHEN Chongyang 申重陽

其他場次比賽中,宛仝樂6:13不敵王鵬,美國選手Corey Deuel以及澳大利亞Justin Campbell也相繼被淘汰出局。 而接連淘汰了王云和張廣豪的代勇,在勝部第五輪中迎來了張堃鵬,最終代勇以4:13被血洗,跌落敗部。



緊隨其後,張堃鵬遭遇上“國際軍團”唯一的勝部選手Diaz Pizarro。兩人各自將自己的實力展現的淋漓盡致,可這也只是個開始,越打越強勢的張堃鵬最終18:9贏得勝利,與申重陽一起,率先鎖定半決賽的名額。而Diaz Pizarro則跌落敗部。

CN: Chen Chen/AC
EN: Samuel Lai

The 5th World Chinese 8ball Masters Grand Final 總決賽每日綜述
Day 1 ReviewDay 2 Review
Day 4 ReviewDay 5 Review