“The Hitman” Thorsten Hohmann partnered with Bright Mediums together to launched an app for billiards. The app called CUE LAB, and it’s a free app for iPhone and iPad. Hohmann already has the idea for more than 10 years, which was inspired by the work of his friend WEI Chao who in 1997 built one of the first computer programs for billiard diagramming.
The “CUE LAB” gives everyone a tool to drills, diagram shots, coaching etc. If you get a situation during your practice or while watch a match review, it can help you to lay out shots easily and quickly, and able to you share with your friend, coach or fellow players. Like the Belorussian pro player Marharyta Fefilava is using it and posted the records of her Cuegrams on her facebook page. Besides, the official CUE LAB page has posted some cuegram records. Last, you can post your favorite Cuegram to the official CUE LAB page, Hohmann might record yours to share with everyone. Check it out!
德國名將 Thorsten Hohmann 與美國 Bright Mediums 共同合作,推出了一款名為”CUE LAB“的撞球app,其為免費並已可於App Store下載 (目前僅適用於iPhone及iPad)。 CUE LAB起源於 Hohmann 在1997年受好友工作的影響而有所啟發並進而開始了其構想。終於在尋得了與他有志一同的夥伴後,終於在日前正式推出其應用程序 app。
當你在練習過程中或觀看比賽影片時遇到問題,都能使用 “CUE LAB” 輕鬆簡單地將球形給記錄下來,並能將其輸出為圖片,能讓你與你的教練、朋友或同為球員的其他人一同分享討論。 近期可見白俄羅斯的年輕好手 Marharyta Fefilava 使用它,並將她 Cuegrams 的圖片,以及拍攝成影片發佈在她的Facebook上。 此外,CUE LAB的官方頁面同樣也發布了一些影片。 如果你有任何的 Cuegram,你也能將其發佈到CUE LAB的官方頁面,或許 Hohmann 會將你的錄製成影片並於大家分享。

CUE LAB on App Store
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App Store (iPhone and iPad)
Thorsten Hohmann
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Marharyta Fefilava
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