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After 11 days of intense competition and high-stakes battles, the Las Vegas Pro Billiard Series has come to a thrilling close at the Rio All-Suite Hotel & Casino.
In the Kamui Mixed Doubles Open, Kelly Fisher & Alex Kazakis took revenge for last year’s final, overpowering Chang Jung-Lin & Chieh-Yu Chou (4-3, 4-3, 4-2) in a flawless display of teamwork and precision.
The duo lost only three sets throughout the tournament, securing the $30,000 top prize and proving once again that they are among the best doubles players in the world.
Rubilen Amit capped off a spectacular week by claiming the 2025 Kamui Las Vegas Women’s Open title, defeating Han Yu 3-1 in sets (4-2, 4-1, 3-4, 4-2) to take home the $22,500 top prize. It was a double triumph for Amit, who also won the Women’s Challenge of Champions.
It was a week of champions across multiple disciplines:
• Rubilen Amit – Kamui Las Vegas Women’s Open & Women’s Challenge of Champions
• Kelly Fisher & Alex Kazakis – Kamui Mixed Doubles Open
• Denis Grabe – Kamui Las Vegas Men’s Open
• Francisco Bustamante & Joshua Filler – One Pocket Face-off
• Billy Thorpe – Bank Pool Showdown
• Laz Martinez – American Junior Showdown
• Henrik Larsson – Parasport Exhibition
With 8 professional events, over $400,000 in prize money, and a global audience tuning in to Pro Billiard TV and many other platforms, this event was more than just a competition—it was a celebration of the sport.
The free livestream allowed fans worldwide to experience elite-level billiards and helped grow the game by making top-tier action accessible to all.
For full results, highlights, and upcoming events, visit probilliardseries website and follow @ProBilliardSeries on social media.
Fisher 攜手 Kazakis 與 Amit 分奪混雙、女子組冠軍
2025 美洲豹職撞系列賽 (PBS) 在拉斯維加斯的里約賭場飯店中為期 11天的八項賽事,在 Amit 打進最後一顆球之後畫下了圓滿句點。
在 Kamui 混合雙打公開賽上,英國名將 Kelly Fisher 再次與 Alex Kazakis (希臘) 聯手。在半決賽中擊敗西班牙組合 (Mayte Ropero / José Alberto Delgado),而他們的決賽對手張榮麟和周婕妤則是淘汰了江水淨與 Max Lechner (奧地利) 組合。
Fisher 與 Kazakis 在整場比賽僅失掉三局,最終以完美的團隊合作及精準的配合擊敗了張榮麟和周婕妤 (4-3、4-3、4-2) 獲得$30,000美元獎金,並再次證明他們是世界上最好的雙打選手之一。
Rubilen Amit 在半決賽以 3-1 (1-4、4-1、4-0、4-3) 擊敗奧地利名將 Jasmin Ouschan 沖擊冠軍,而她的競逐者中國名將韓雨在另一場敗決賽中,最終從與周婕妤 (4-1、2-4、4-3、2-4、8-7) 的點球大戰中脫穎而出,以連勝六場的不敗之姿與 與 Amit 會師決賽。
首兩盤結束後 Amit 取得 2-0,比賽進行到第三盤的前5局結束 Amit 3-2 領先。韓雨在第6局的2號球處理結果不理想的情況下,給 Amit 留下機會。雖然 2號球可以直接進攻,但面對接下來3-4的組合球,再加上停留於底袋口的10號球,Amit 選擇走捷徑以結束比賽,以擊打2號球碰顆星後將10號球帶進底袋,然並未成功。韓雨扳平比數 (3-3) 後,再下1局,追回一盤 1-2 (2-4, 1-4, 4-3)。
韓雨反攻的號角並未能長響到底,終場 9號球衛冕世界冠軍 Amit 以 3-1 (4-2, 4-1, 3-4, 4-2) 擊敗韓雨,摘得 2025 拉斯維加斯女子10號球公開賽冠軍,贏得$22,500美元獎金;加上此前贏得了女子冠軍挑戰賽的冠軍,Amit 在今年賽事上可說是收穫滿滿。