David Alcaide and Skyler Woodward became two of the biggest exits so far as the 2022 World Pool Championship field was whittled down to the Last 64 at the Marshall Arena, Milton Keynes. Coverage live on Sky Sports in the UK/Ireland, DAZN in the USA, Canada, Brazil, Spain, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, and Austria as well as Viaplay and networks worldwide.
Losers’ Round 1 saw the first few scalps of the day as both Woodward and Alex Pagulayan were punished as they exited without a win to their name. Woodward lost out to Daniele Corrieri in the opening match, and he went hill-hill with Qatar’s Ali Al Obaidli who fluked the 9 in the penultimate rack to hold the break in the final one. Elsewhere, Pagulayan was much fancied heading into the tournament, but he faltered against former EuroTour winner Craig Osborne of Great Britain to exist early on the second day.
Rolling into the evening, it was Losers’ Qualification with 32 final players set to join the Last 64 and 32 going home. On Table 1, Jayson Shaw demolished Jakub Koniar 9-3 to see the two-time Mosconi Cup draw Finland’s Petri Makkonen in the Last 64. Alcaide was a World Pool Championship semi-finalist just under 12 months ago and his cueing suggested it would be straightforward’s against Hong Kong’s Lo Ho Sum who was knocked into the losers’ bracket by defending champion Albin Ouschan. Ho Sum though, held his nerve in some cagey early moments to pull through and find himself in the Last 64.

Skyler Woodward (Meucci/Rasson)|©Taka G. Wu / Matchroom Multi Sport
Pia Filler put in a stellar day to beat Ivan Meng Li in the afternoon and Bashar Hussein Abdulmajeed 9-6 to make the Last 64 for the first time and set up an enticing Table 1 match with Mario He at 11 am.
Things didn’t get much better for Mosconi Cup captain Jeremy Jones as he witnessed Billy Thorpe, Chris Reinhold, and Tyler Styer all exit on day two, but positives were taken from seeing Nicholas De Leon beat So Shaw and Toh Lian Han by 9-2 and 9-7 scores respectively. De Leon will now face Ouschan. There was also no such luck for Chris Melling who exited at the hands of Bahram Lotfy who will now meet Shane Van Boening tomorrow.
From now, it is single elimination with matches becoming Race to 11 up until the final. The draw saw the 32 players who won in Winners’ Qualification drawn against the 32 players who won in Losers’ Qualification this evening.
Mosconi Cup USA hopeful Shane Wolford has been drawn against Masato Yoshioka whilst Live (2023) Nineball World Rankings No.1 Francisco Sanchez Ruiz faces two-time World Champion, Thorsten Hohmann. Elliott Sanderson overcome a hill-hill finish with fellow Brit Tom Staveley to set up a clash with Chinese Taipei’s Chang Jung-Lin tomorrow.

Pia Filler (Predator/ANDY/HOW)|©Taka G. Wu / Matchroom Multi Sport
Mario He vs Pia Filler
Shane Van Boening vs Bahram Lotfy
Table 2 – Live on Matchroom Pool YouTube
Darren Appleton vs Tomasz Kaplan
Joshua Filler vs Sanjin Pehlivanovic
For all the latest news and announcements follow Matchroom Pool on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube

Ko Pin-Yi (Zen)|©Taka G. Wu / Matchroom Multi Sport
2022 世界撞球錦標賽於台北時間今晨在英國米爾頓凱恩斯 (Milton Keynes) 的馬歇爾體育館結束前兩日的賽程並產生最後64強進入單敗階段。2019世界花式撞球大師賽冠軍 David Alcaide 與美國莫斯考尼盃成員 Skyler Woodward 慘遭淘汰,無疑成為目前為止最出乎意料之外的結果。
Woodward 在首輪8-9輸給義大利老將 Daniele Corrieri 後,在敗部對上卡達選手 Ali Al Obaidli,Ali Al Obaidli 在倒數第二局中幸運地碰撞讓9號球入袋拿下該局,8-8雙方進入搶尾局。Ali Al Obaidli 把握住最後一局的衝球並以9-8淘汰 Woodward。另外,去年打進四強的 David Alcaide,在敗部資格賽中慘遭香港選手盧浩琛的狙擊,5-9 結束世錦賽之旅。盧浩琛64強將迎戰2021世界10號球冠軍,阿爾巴尼亞的 Eklent Kaci。英國名將 Jayson Shaw 在敗部資格賽中9-3輕取斯洛伐克的 Jakub Koniar 順利晉級,他在單敗首戰將對戰芬蘭選手 Petri Makkonen。

Chang Jung-Lin (Predator/CPBA)|©Taka G. Wu / Matchroom Multi Sport
“火雲邪神” 張榮麟 (9-2 德國 Veronika Ivanovskaia, 9-2 土耳其 Eylül Kibaroğlu)、“天王殺手” 柯秉中 (9-5 德國 Tobias Bongers, 9-2 丹麥 Bahram Lotfy) 與“黑暗騎士” 謝佳臻 (9-2 新加坡 Sharik Sayed, 9-4 墨西哥 Ruben Bautista),三人都在勝部連勝兩場後晉級64強。接下來張榮麟將面對英國選手 Elliot Sanderson,柯秉中對陣瑞士的 Ronald Regli,謝佳臻則將迎戰前歐洲莫斯考尼盃成員 Nikos Ekonomopoulos (希臘)。
另外其他從敗部資格賽挺進的選手,“魔獸” 吳坤霖將對上挪威的 Mats Schjetne,”末代武士” 柯秉漢迎來義大利老將 Daniele Corrieri,“撞球王子” 柯秉逸則要碰上來自捷克的 Michal Gavenciak。
Pia Filler 成為唯一晉級64強的女子選手,雖然首場敗給英國選手 Tom Staveley (2-9),但在敗部表現出色, 先以9-3擊退澳洲的 Ivan Meng Li,再以9-6淘汰卡達選手 Bashar Hussein Abdulmajeed,為自己爭取進入64強的門票。Pia 的下一場比賽將安排於電視主桌挑戰2021 FargoRate 俄亥俄公開賽冠軍 Mario He (奧地利)。
從64 強單敗開始到半決賽將從原先搶9改為搶11,決賽則搶13局,冠軍選手將抱回6萬美元獎金,亞軍則將收穫3萬美元將金。
主桌賽事將透過世界各地電視頻道進行轉播,台灣於博斯無限二台 (MOD) 轉播。另外2號桌則在 Matchroom YouTube 進行直播。