Faraon and Wu grab win the 47th All Japan Championship – Faraon、吳芷婷奪第47屆全日本錦標賽冠軍

2014 All Japan Championship 47th

Triple Crown for Zhi-Ting Wu

Raymund Faraon from Philippines and Zhi-Ting Wu from Chinese Taipei just won the 47th All Japan Championship in Osaka, Japan.

In men’s division, Faraon eliminated Johann Chua (PHI) and LI Hewen (CHN) reaching the final. And his opponent Naoyuki Oi of Japan knoched out two strong Chinese Taipei players, Jung-Lin Chang and the current China Open Champion Yu-Lung Chang on the way into final. In the final, Faraon defeated Naoyuki Oi with 11:8 crowned champion.

In women’s division, Zhi Ting Wu took down two of her compatriot Pei-Jun Li and Pei-Chen Tsai both with 9:7. Shasha Liu overcame the Korean Lim Yun Mi 9:5 and the local player Chihiro Kawahara 9:7. In the final, after five racks Wu took a 5:0 lead in a race to 9, she played pretty solid, took with a convincing 9:3 victory over the current Women World Championship Champion Shasha Liu of China.

Wu took her first All Japan Championship title ever in Japan, she beginning with “Hokuriku Open” last year, “Japan Open” in July of this year, and with this “All Japan Championship“, in about a year and one half month to win the three major titles of Japan. The win completed the triple crown for her achievement.

2014 The 47th All Japan Championship - Raymund Faraon and Zhi-Ting Wu


Faraon在本屆賽事中也有著出色的發揮,在單敗首輪就將同胞Dennis Orcollo淘汰出局,隨後擊敗羅立文以及李赫文等選手之後成功殺入決賽。而決賽的另外一位選手大井直幸則是連續擊敗中華台北兩大好手張榮麟和張玉龍之後晉級,值得一提的是,大井直幸是2005年栗林達之後首位闖入決賽的日本本土選手。在最終的決賽中,大井直幸8:11不敵Raymund Faraon,無緣幫助日本在9年後重新奪得男子組冠軍。

女子組方面,史天琪在爆冷擊敗金佳映之後,隨後輸給中華台北選手李佩蓉無緣8強;而劉莎莎則是在戰勝韓國選手林潤美以及日本名將河原千尋之後成功闖入決賽。另外一場半決賽是中華台北選手之間的德比戰,吳芷婷將蔡佩真淘汰出局。在最終的決賽中,吳芷婷發揮出色,很快以5:0領先,最終以9:3擊敗劉莎莎,問鼎冠軍。而這次奪冠也達成了吳芷婷在日本的三冠王 (北陸公開賽、日本公開賽及全日本錦標賽) 的目標。男子組的冠軍杯菲律賓選手Raymund Faraon獲得。

EN by AC
CN by McLean