The 12-year-old Caden LAU wins the 4th Hong Kong Amateur 9-ball Championship

2025 HK Amateur 9-Ball Open - winner Caden Lau_777x437

中文 CN

Jointly presented and sponsored by PNS pool table cloth, Topson Engineering, BuzzUp e-wallet, and GV CPA, witnessed by Channel C as well as other e-media sources, the 4th Hong Kong Amateur 9-ball Championship has successfully completed on the evening of March 16, 2025.

Caden Lau, the 12-year-old future star of Hong Hong, was unstoppable and eventually defeated the hot favorite Filipino Shirwen Malinao with a score of 9:6 in the final, winning the championship among a large field of adult players.

2025 HK Amateur 9-Ball Open - backboard

The event was held at the SPIN Billiards Club, but there was a small incident during the final stages of the battle. Due to Hong Kong laws and regulations stipulated by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, minors under the age of 16 are not allowed to enter billiard halls after 8 pm. Therefore, the tournament has taken contingency measures and moved the venue to a private practice arena in order to complete the match. Fortunately, with the support of all the audience and fans, the live broadcast was able continue and successfully completed.

The journey to defending his title was disrupted by the 12-yo in the semifinal, left Edmund Chow tied in third place together with Arthur Lee, who was also semifinalist last year. A couple of new names, such as Kingston Lee, Allan Balbin, as well as Eric Anonouevo emerged from the field, together with Richard Alcantara, two times runner-up tournament, came in joint fifth place. Together they split the prize pool of. HK$ 40,000 in cash.

2025 HK Amateur 9-Ball Open - venue

Two special awards were added this year, with Allan Balbin winning the “Most Break & Run” and Dino Sadhwani winning the “Most Golden Break”. The awards were sponsored by BuzzUp, and the 13 players won a total of HK$9,800 in prize money.

The tournament was honored to invite Mr. Benson Kwok, Director of Immigration of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, to present awards to the winners. Mr. Kwok has always been extremely in promoting the development of billiards activities in Hong Kong, including the effort spent in in acquiring the world’s top two billiards players, Ronnie O’Sullivan and Judd Trump, and have them obtaining residency in Hong Kong through Hong Kong’s talent program.

2025 HK Amateur 9-Ball Open - Caden Lau play

During live broadcast by Channel C, the committee was also delighted to have former world youth snooker champion and Asian Games gold medalist Mr. Ivan Chan as host for commentary, and together with former Hong Kong Open champion Mr. Jason Yip, produced a very informative live broadcast on one of the largest sports online channel in Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Amateur 9-Ball Open has been held for the fourth time, with a record-breaking total of over 200 players this year, breaking the previous record for the number of participants by far. On top of the participants’ enthusiasm, the organisors would also like to thank all the venues that participated in and supported the competition, including Spin Billiards Club, Studio 1012, Meow Cultural, Shooters Sports Bar, Capito Lounge, and Breaks Bar for their commitment in promoting the pool sport activities in Hong Kong.

2025 HK Amateur 9-Ball Open - awarding

香港業餘9球錦標賽12歲男孩奪冠 主辦方彰顯應急能力

由國際知名PNS球台布、Topson工程、BuzzUp電子錢包及GV會計師事務所,聯合贊助的第四屆香港業餘9球錦標賽,於2025年3月16日晚,透過電子傳媒Channel C及眾多媒體的見證下順利完成。

年僅12歲的小球星劉尚晞 (Caden Lau) 一路勢如破竹,更在決賽中以9:6的成績斬落大熱門的菲律賓籍 Shirwen Malinao,在云云成人選手中奪冠。

2025 HK Amateur 9-Ball Open - winner Caden Lau


由於上屆冠軍周詠釗 (Edmund Chow) 於四強賽事中不敵劉尚晞,聯同另一名上屆的季軍利應時 (Arthur Lee) 並列第三名。其餘的八強選手中出現了三個新名字,當中包括李家裕 (Kingston Lee)、Allan BalbinEric Anonuevo,夥同曾經兩次在本項賽事奪得亞軍的 Richard Alcantara 並列第五名。以上選手合共獲得總值40,000港元的獎金。

2025 HK Amateur 9-Ball Open - audiences

本屆賽事特別增設了兩個特別獎項,最多清台 “Most Break & Run”由 Allan Balbin 奪得,而最多黃金衝球獎 “Most Golden Break”則成為 Dino Sadhwani 的囊中物。兩項特別獎均由BuzzUp贊助,13名球員總共奪得港幣$9,800的獎金。

決賽完成後,大會更有幸邀請到香港特別行政區入境事務處署長郭俊峰 (Benson Kwok) 先生為一眾得獎者頒獎。署長一直都是推動香港桌球活動發展不遺餘力,世界最頂尖的兩位桌球選手 Ronnie O’SullivanJudd Trump 也是透過香港的優才計劃得到香港的居留權。

2025 HK Amateur 9-Ball Open - commentary

在本次賽事的直播中,前世界青少年桌球冠軍暨亞運金牌得主陳國明 (Ivan Chan) 先生,聯同前香港公開賽冠軍葉棟邦 (Jason Yip) 先生,在香港最大的網台Channel C進行現場直播,資料豐富詳盡,令賽事生色不少。

香港業餘9號球公開賽已經是第四屆舉行,本屆參賽人數合共超過200人,打破了以往參加人數的紀錄。除了感謝一眾參賽者的踴躍參與外,大會更要感謝所有參與支持比賽的場館,包括Spin新旺桌球會、Studio 1012、Meow文創聲樂館、Shooters Sports Bar,Capito Lounge、以及Breaks Bar 全力推動香港的美式桌球活動。

↓ Some photos from the event ↓

2025 HK Amateur 9-Ball Open - Trophy

2025 HK Amateur 9-Ball Open - ceremony

2025 HK Amateur 9-Ball Open - Allan Balbin

2025 HK Amateur 9-Ball Open - Dino Sadhwani

2025 HK Amateur 9-Ball Open - holding the trophy

2025 HK Amateur 9-Ball Open - sponsors