Rules of DUYA Legends Golden Nine Championship 獨牙傳奇中式九球錦標賽比賽規則

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CN 中文版

I. Scoring system:

  1. Scoring:
    Break and run – 10 points
    Table run – 7 points
    Victory – 4 points
    Foul – opponent 1 points
  2. Rules of scoring:
    Break-and-Run: The breaker completes a break-and-run
    Table-Run: The following conditions count as table-run:
    a) When a ball is made in the break, and the breaker makes a combination shot on the 9-ball during his inning;
    b) When the No.1 and No.9 ball are still on the table, any incoming player runs out the table (excluding a combination shot at the 9-ball)
    c) Making a golden break

Victory: other ways of winning except above 2.

Foul: Once a player commits a foul, the opponent will be awarded 1 point in the 1st and 2nd time. A total of three fouls in a rack will be regarded as the loss of ongoing rack, and the opponent will be awarded 2 points on the third foul.

Note: Intentional fouls are forbidden. 1st intentional foul will be regarded as the loss of ongoing rack, and the opponent will be awarded 10 points and 2nd intentional foul will be regarded as the loss of whole match.

  1. Break:
    Winner breaks.

II. Racking the Balls

The object balls are placed in a diamond shape. The 1-ball is placed on the footspot, 9-ball in the middle and 2-ball at the bottom. Other balls are racked randomly and stick to each other.

Duya ranked balls

A magic-rack is used to rack the balls. At the beginning of a rack, all balls are placed in the holes in the magic-rack and then set at the balls area. The advantages of using a magic-rack are to save time and make sure the balls are clinging tightly. The equipment to rack the ball is determined by the tournament organizers. Racking balls is the responsibility of the referee, players cannot rack the balls on their own, unless the tournament organizers have explicitly requested.

III. Legal break

A legal break must meet the following requirements:

  1. The cue ball is a ball-in-hand and places behind the head string;
  2. The cue ball strikes the No.1 ball first;
  3. The break shot should meet the minimum requirement of “head string being crossed 4 times by numbered balls”, which means:
  1. the head string is crossed (more than half or half of a ball) 4 times by numbered ball or balls (the cue ball is not included);
  2. or one ball is pocketed and the head string is crossed 3 times;
  3. or two balls are pocketed and the head string is crossed twice;
  4. or three balls are pocketed and the head string is crossed once;
  5. or four or more object balls are pocketed

Note: If a ball crosses the head string and then gets pocketed, it is regarded as having crossed the head string TWICE.

If the break shot fails to meet this minimum requirement, the situation is regarded as a “loss of chance”. The incoming player has the option of:

  1. Accept the table in position and continue to play by himself or the opponent.
  2. Re-racking and breaking by himself or the opponent

Note: the incoming player has 45 seconds to decides and make decision, no extension available.

IV. Illegal Break

It is considered as a foul in the following circumstances:

  1. The cue ball did not strike the No.1 ball first
  2. Cue ball is pocketed
  3. A ball is off the table.

The incoming player will get a ball-in-hand and continue playing.

V. After break shot

If a player pockets an object ball after a legal break, he will continue to play until win the rack. If a player does not legally pocket any ball, the opponent will start shooting from the position where the cue ball is located. If a player commits a foul, the opponent will shoot with a ball-in-hand.

VI. Fouls

If the shooter commits a foul, the opponent gets a cue ball in hand and can make a combination shot at the 9-ball. Several fouls committed in one rack will be regarded as the most serious fouls. If the referee does not call a foul before the next shoot, no foul is deemed to have committed.

The following are the fouls in the match:
(a) The cue ball is pocketed or off the table
The cue ball pocketed or off the table is regarded as a foul.

(b) The cue ball hits wrong object balls first
The first ball that cue ball hits after shooting shall be the ball with smallest number on the table, or it is regarded as a foul. This rule also applies to the breaking.

(c) The cue ball hits the object ball but neither ball touch the cushion
If no ball is pocketed in a shoot, after cue ball hitting the target ball, at least one ball on the table hits the cushion at once, or it is regarded as a foul.

(d) Shooters hit the ball with both feet off the floor at the same time
Both feet of the shooter off the floor at the instant the tip contacts the cue ball is regarded as a foul.

(e) The object ball is driven off the table
Shooting the ball off the table is regarded as a foul. In Golden Nine events, only the 9-ball hit off the table needs replacing at the foot spot. Any ball off the table will give the opponent a ball-in-had.

(f) Touch the balls illegally
Except the contact between the ball and ball after a normal shoot, during the shooting (including before and after the shoot), other than the cue tip, the shooter’s any part of the body (including clothing and hair) and equipment (including the cue stick, rack, chalk, etc.) shall not touch any ball on the table. Touching and moving the target ball or changing the direction of the target ball in any other way will be regarded as a foul, except for the ball-in-hand. The shooter is responsible for the equipment he/she is using (including chalk, rack, clothing, hair and parts of body). When the cue ball is a ball-in-hand, this type of foul may also be committed. If the foul is involuntary, it is only called a foul; but if it is intentional, it is regarded as a behavior against sportsmanship.

(g) Double hit/touching ball
When shooting, the cue touching the cue ball more than once is regarded as a foul. If the cue ball is close to but not touching the target ball, the cue ball being hit and making contact with the target ball at the same time is regarded as a foul. If the cue ball is close to the target ball and the cue ball after being hit only grazed the target ball, this shoot is presumed as not commit the mentioned foul, even if theoretically the tip is still on the cue ball when the cue ball touches the target ball. However, if before shooting the cue ball is stick to the target ball, shooting to the whole ball or part of the ball is legal. But the shot shall be obvious and push shot is regarded as a foul.

(h) Stick shot
When the cue ball is in contact with a legal target ball on the table, the shooting direction has no limit. If the shot does not make the target ball move, the target ball is not regarded as being hit. If the shot makes the target ball move, the shot is not regarded as a push shot, but the shot shall be obvious.
When the target ball is in the contact to the cushion, before the target ball being hit, if no ball legally hits the cushion, the target ball shall hit the cushion twice or another ball (including the cue ball) hits the cushion or there is a ball pocketed.

(i) Push shot
It is a foul to prolong tip-to-cue-ball contact beyond that seen in normal shots. In other words, the tip shall hit the cue ball instead of pushing the cue ball.

(j) Shoot before balls on the table are completely stationary
Shooting while any ball moving or spinning is regarded as a foul.

(k) Put rack on the table
If shooter places the crack on the table to aim or position the ball without using the rack, it is regarded as a foul.

(l) Violate the order of shooting
Unconsciously violating the order of shooting is regarded as a foul. Generally, the table shall keep the condition after wrong shooting. Intentionally violating the order of shooting is regarded as an unsportsmanlike conduct

(m) Shoot overtime
Time limited shot is often used. Before the tournament, the organizing committee will clearly specify the time limit for each match and each shot, the time and frequency of extensions in a match. Usually, the players’ shot time is 45 seconds or remade by the organizing committee. There will be a staff member in the match (referee or off-site personnel) or special timing equipment to record the time. Usually, a reminder will be made when there are 10 seconds left, and the countdown will be counted when there are 5 seconds left. Timing begins when all the balls on the table are still and ends when the cue tip makes contact with the cue ball producing a shot. Each player can call an extension in each rack, and the extension is usually 30 seconds; if the shooting player does not shoot within the specified time, it will be regarded as a foul. In the break players’ shooting time is limited in 30 seconds and during break players cannot call the extension.

(n) Improper behaviors
Player refusing playing a match or intentionally or continuously improper behaviors according to the judgment of the referee, including continuous waste of time, the referee shall immediately warn the player that refusing to improve this improper behavior will result in the loss of the game.

(o) Others

VII. Unsportsmanlike Conduct

The normal penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct may be imposed depending on the referee’s judgment of the conduct. Among other penalties possible are a warning; a standard-foul penalty; loss of a rack, set or match; ejection from the competition possibly with forfeiture of all prizes, trophies and standings points. In a word, the normal penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct should be fit the game spirits. Unsportsmanlike conduct is any intentional behavior that brings disrepute to the sport or which disrupts or changes the game to the extent that it cannot be played fairly. It includes

(a) distracting the opponent;
(b) changing the position of the balls in play other than by a shot;
(c) playing a shot by intentionally miscuing;
(d) continuing to play after a foul has been called or play has been suspended;
(e) practicing during a match;
(f) marking the table;
(g) delay of the game;
(h) using equipment inappropriately;
(i) the player admits defeat before his opponent finishes the rack;
(j) other behaviors considered inappropriate.

VIII. Resetting ball

If the 9-ball is illegally pocketed or driven off the table, the 9-ball will be reset at the foot spot. Other object balls will not be reset in any situation.

IX. Stalemate

If the referee observes that no progress is being made towards a conclusion, he/she will suggest re-breaking. But if any player reject it, the referee will permit match continuing. Generally the referee will announce his/her decision after three more turns for each player or depending on his/her judgement. Then, if the referee determines that there is still no progress, he/she will declare a stalemate. If a stalemate occurs, the original breaker will break again. At same time:

(a) The original breaking player shall continue to break
(b) The original shooting order shall not change
(c) The fouls in the rack will not be recorded.

Duya Legends Golden Nine Championship
Organizing Committee

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單打比賽使用母球和1號至9號目標球,球員依照號碼順序由小至大擊打檯面上的目標球。單場比賽通過“大金”、“小金”、“普勝”、“犯規得分” 等來計算得分。球員在比賽中完成 “大金” 得10分,完成 “小金” 得7分,普通單局勝利得4分;球員在比賽過程中,發生犯規行為對手得1分。

小金:以下三種情況屬於完成 “小金”:
(1) 開球進球的情況下,開球方在不間斷進球過程中傳進9號球
(2) 非開球且檯面上有1號球和9號球的情況下,任何一方球員完成清台 (中途傳進9號球不算作小金,算普勝)
(3) 開球9號球進袋。







Duya ranked balls






3、所有選手合法開球需滿足 “四球次過線”。“四球過線” 如下:開球時有四顆目標球次 (不包括主球) 二分之一以上 (含) 經過開球線,或者有一顆球進袋且三顆球次經過開球線,或者有二顆球進袋且二顆球次經過開球線,或者有三顆球進袋且一顆球次經過開球線,或者有四顆或以上目標球進袋;過線的球進袋視為2球 (次) 經過開球線。未達到過線規定的開球視為開球失機 (失去機會),此時對方選手可以選擇:

(1) 接受現有檯面所有球的位置由自己或開球方繼續擊打
(2) 由自己或對方重新開球;













除了正常擊球後球與球之間的接觸以外,擊球過程中 (包括出杆前後),擊球者除杆頭以外的身體任何部分 (包括服飾、毛髮)、器材 (包括杆身、架杆器、巧克粉等) 均不得碰觸檯面上的任何球。以其它方式接觸,移動或改變目標球方向視為犯規,除自由球外。擊球球員應對他正使用的器材負責,(包括巧粉、架杆器、服飾、頭髮和身體各部分)。當母球為自由球時,此類犯規同樣可能發生。如果犯規是無意識的,僅被判為一次犯規,但如果是蓄意的,則是違背體育精神的行為。



在出杆時不得延長杆頭以增加與母球的接觸距離而形成顯而易見的推杆,否則為犯規。換言之,杆頭作用於母球的動作應該是瞬間的 “擊”,而非一小段時間的“推”。




比賽中將採用限時擊球的比賽方式。賽前賽事方會對每場比賽限時或者對每一次擊球限制時間,單局或單場延時的時間以及次數作出明確規定,通常球員的擊球時間為45秒或由賽事方重新約定。比賽中會有一名工作人員 (裁判或場外專職人員) 或專門的計時設備進行記時,通常會在剩下10秒時作出一次提醒,剩下5秒時倒計時讀秒。計時從檯面上所有球靜止開始,結束於杆頭接觸主球產生一次擊打。每名球員每局可叫一次延時,延時時間為30秒;如擊球球員在規定時間內沒有出杆,便視為犯規,開球時球員的出杆時間限時30秒,開球期間,球員無延時權利。












