Ping-Chung KO takes his first title in China – 柯秉中摘中國地區賽事首冠

2016 CBSA Hongze 9 Ball Open - Winner Ping-Chung Ko 777x437Little Ko (Cyclop 賽樂普/Predator) won the first title in China

In Men division, 21 years old Ping-Chung KO defeated Wen-Hua CHEN (TPE) 9-2, Kai-Lun HSU (TPE) 9-7 to advance into the knockout stage. In the single elimination, Ko overcame Cheng-Chieh LIU (TPE) 11-5、CHU Bingjie (CHN) 11-5、Kai-Lun HSU (TPE) 11-5 and took down his illustrious brother Ping-Yi KO with 11-4. That earned him a seat in the final match.

His opponent Ching-Shun YANG booked a seat in the final with victories over HAN Haoxiang (CHN) 9-3, the current China Open Champion WU Jiaqing 11-10, 2015 World Juniors Championship bronze medal (U17 division) KONG Dejing 11-3, and China Nation Team member LIU Haitao in the semi-final with 11-10.

In the final, Ko overpowered YANG with 13:10 to be the winner of the CBSA Hongze 9-Ball Open 2016. This is also his first title won in China.

2016 CBSA Hongze 9 Ball Open - Ping Chung Ko

柯秉中 Ping-Chung KO (Cyclop 賽樂普/Predator)

CBSA洪澤美式9球國際公開賽於今日圓滿落幕。柯秉中在決賽中13-10戰勝 “撞球之子” 楊清順,奪得冠軍。

柯秉中在雙敗淘汰階段,以9-2、9-7先後擊敗陳文華許凱綸,由勝部直接晉級。進入到單敗階段後,柯秉中皆分別以11-5的比分,分別擊退劉政杰、中國九球國家隊隊員 楚秉杰以及許凱綸 ,闖進四強。於半決賽中的對手迎來的正是哥哥柯秉逸柯秉中在比賽中取得8-1大比分的絕對領先優勢,最終以11-4淘汰哥哥,晉級決賽。

而他的對手則是”撞球之子” 楊清順楊清順在第二階段的單敗賽中,首兩場比賽以11-10接連擊敗韓皓翔與今年的中國公開賽冠軍吳珈慶。八強賽中,則以11-3輕取了去年在青少年世錦賽 U17組中取得銅牌的小將孔德京

楊清順在半決賽面對到了中國九球國家隊隊員 劉海濤,雙方纏鬥到最後決勝局,最終有驚無險地以11-10擊退劉海濤,為自己爭取到決賽席次。


Photos by Samuel Lai