No upsets in round one action – 奧地利歐巡賽首輪 眾家選手基本順利過關

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The first matches of the Dynamic Billard Austrian Open and the Ballazzo Austria Women’s Open have been played and the first surprising results have come in. However, there has not yet been a huge upset so far.

One of the unexpected results in the event was Abdullah Al-Yousef’s (UAE) clear 9:2 victory over newly crowned 8-ball European Champion Vitaliy Patsura (UKR). Patsura was on fire throughout the EC but the Euro-Tour starts with a defeat for him. He now needs to make his way over the loser’s side in order to make it to the final 64 single elimination stage. Daniele Corrieri (ITA) won 9:8 by a whisker over Ruslan Chinakhov (RUS). That match was an exciting encounter with the luckier end for Corrieri.

In the women’s tournament, a small upset would be the 7:4 victory of Ine Helvik (NOR) over Oliwia Czuprynska (POL). Czuprynska who had won the Gold Medal in women’s team at the European Championships earlier this week seemed to be off the roll. Czuprynska’s teammate Katarzyna Wesolowska (POL) had some hard work to do today. She was playing against Simone Kuenzl (GER) in her first round match. Being 6:5 up, Wesolowska missed an easy 8-ball and left it hanging over the pocket for Kuenzl. The German used the chance and tied the match at 6:6. The next rack was dominated by nervous play from both players. With three balls left on the table, Kuenzl played a safety shot and left nothing for Wesolowska. Wesolowska hit it and luckily left nothing for Kuenzl in return. Then Kuenzl came up with a decent safety and forces Wesolowska to play a foul shot. With ball in hand, Kuenzl missed the second last ball and could not finish the rack. Wesolowska could and won very luckily with 7:6.

The tournaments are played on 24 tables which will all be in a livestream throughout the events. In order to be able to follow all the action LIVE, premium membership can be purchased at Once a premium membership is held, all events for the respective period of time can be viewed LIVE. Additionally, a huge video gallery is contained in the website.

The event is hosted by the European Governing Body for Pool, the European Pocket Billiard Federation (EPBF) and organized by International Billiard Promotion (IBP). For further information and reference please go to the federation website, visit us on Facebook or check out our youtube channel for regular news clips or contact our press office.

2016 Eurotour Austrian Open - No upsets in round one action

奧地利歐巡賽首輪 眾家選手基本順利過關

歐巡賽奧地利公開賽及女子公開賽在今天當地時間上午9點拉開序幕。破紀錄的共計有267位選手參賽 (公開組 215 名及女子組 52 名),所有參賽選手來自全歐洲各地,更有來自阿聯、科威特及泰國等地的選手參加,首日賽程從奧地利時間上午9點開打,最後一場則為晚上11:30。

男子組結束第一輪賽程,其中在剛結束的歐錦賽中拿下8號球冠軍,表現相當火熱的烏克蘭小將 Vitaliy Patsura 在首場比賽 2:9 敗給來自阿聯的 Abdullah Al-Yousef’s 落入敗部,想晉級最後64強單敗則需花費更多心力從敗部突圍。另一場比賽,義大利的 Daniele Corrieri 則是幸運地以 9:8 擊敗俄羅斯新星 Ruslan Chinakhov

女子組方面,挪威的 Ine Helvik 7:4 擊敗剛在歐錦賽贏得團體賽金牌的波蘭選手 Oliwia Czuprynska。而她的隊友 Katarzyna Wesolowska 則在第一場對上德國選手 Simone Kuenzl 遇上些小亂流。Wesolowska 在 6:5 領先之際,在8號球上發生失誤,Kuenzl 利用自由球機會,接手後 拿下該局,將比數帶到 6:6 進入搶尾局。決勝局中兩位選手的表現都太過於地緊張! 在台面剩下3顆球之際,Kuenzl 選擇防守,Wesolowska 解球後 幸運的沒留下機會給對手。此時 Kuenzl 再一次的防守,這次成功的防守迫使 Wesolowska 犯規。在得到自由球的情況下,Kuenzl 再次出現失誤,無法清台那下比賽。這也給了 Wesolowska 機會回到場上,並幸運地以 7:6 取得勝利。

全部的24張球台將由 Kozoom 提供高畫質付費視頻直播服務。登入 Kozoom 網站 ( ) 先加入會員後,即可線上購買會員通行證 (Premium Pass) 成為Premium會員。Premium會員啟用後,即可觀看所有歐洲台球協會EPBF舉辦之賽事,如歐錦賽、歐巡賽。賽事結束後,還可觀看影片庫中過往所有比賽視頻。
