Matchroom And APF Join Forces To Broadcast APF Asian 9-Ball Open Globally

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Matchroom Pool and the Asian Pool Federation will collaborate to broadcast the federation’s Asian 9-Ball Open worldwide live. This Nineball World Ranking Event will be shown live across APF’s Asian network partners and for the rest of the world via Matchroom Pool Youtube channel hosting over 172,000 subscribers and 70 million views and OTT platform Matchroom.Live; the coverage will boast some of Asia’s biggest pool stars as they head to Singapore from August 24th chasing the 10,000 Singapore Dollars and Nineball ranking points.

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Following the launch of the Nineball World Rankings this year, the Asian Pool Federation’s tournament will become the first third-party tournament to be broadcast via Matchroom platforms with the likes of home favourite Aloysius Yapp, US Open champion Carlo Biado, Nineball Top 10 player Naoyuki Oi, former World Champion Ko Pin Yi and more set to compete over the five-day event.

As a further addition to develop third-party promoters, five-time Mosconi Cup winner and Sky Sports pundit Karl Boyes will be out in Singapore providing commentary and reporting on the live coverage with other Matchroom personnel set to join Boyes in the Garden City to provide support, knowledge, and engagement for the ranking event.

The tournament is the first ranking event on the Nineball World Rankings in Asia and it opens the door for other tournament organisers globally to benefit from Matchroom’s global reach on social media to live stream matches worldwide to millions.

Emily Frazer Matchroom Multi Sport Managing Director said: “When we first saw the Asian Pool Federation launch the Asian 9-Ball Open we knew it would be a perfect fit for our Nineball World Rankings; and now we’re so excited to further that partnership which sees the APF’s live coverage go global thanks to our huge following on social media, our in-house OTT platform Matchroom.Live and the level professionalism shown from the APF team. It opens the door to other eventsaround the world to join the rankings but also benefit from the exposure that comes with working with the leading promoter in the sport. This collaboration has always been one of our many goal’s associated with the Nineball World Rankings that we set for the future but with the Multi Sport team as ambitious as ever it looks like we’re ahead of schedule.”

“APF is thrilled by this exciting partnership with Matchroom which will bring pool sports to even greater heights in this region . The support by Matchroom has made it possible to enhance the coverage and quality of the event and this in turn will undoubtedly raise the visibility and profile of the event and place Asia firmly on the global map of pool sports. “ – Christopher Chuah, President of the APF

The addition of the tournament marks a major moment in the inaugural year of the Nineball World Rankings with the eventual winner of the APF 9-Ball Asian Open set to take home 10,000 Singapore Dollars in a maximum field of 96 with the field full.

Other participants include 已經確定參賽的部分球員包括:

  • Robbie Capito (Hong Kong, China)
  • Johann Chua (Philippines)
  • Jeff De Luna (Philippines)
  • Duong Quoc Hoang (Vietnam)
  • Nguyen Anh Tuan (Vietnam)
  • Luong Duc Thien (Vietnam)
  • Lo Ho Sum 盧浩琛 (Hong Kong, China)
  • Ko Ping Chung 柯秉忠 (Chinese Taipei)
  • Chang Yu Lung 張玉龍 (Chinese Taipei)

2022 APF Asian 9-Ball Open with Matchroom

Matchroom 將與亞洲9號球公開賽開展直播合作 推動賽事走向全球

Matchroom 將與 APF 就亞洲9號球公開賽開展全球範圍的直播合作。作為排名賽之一的亞洲9號球公開賽,其亞洲範圍的直播權將由 APF 的亞洲網路合作夥伴負責,而亞洲範圍外則將通過 Matchroom Pool YouTube 頻道和Matchroom.Live 網站向世界其他地區進行直播。本屆亞洲9號球公開賽將於8月24日至28日在新加坡舉辦,共設96個參賽席位,冠軍獎金為10,000新加坡元並獲得9號球世界排名積分。

繼今年推出9號球世界排名體系後,本屆由 APF 主辦的亞洲9號球公開賽將成為首個通過 Matchroom平台轉播的協力賽事,主場作戰的葉浚惟、美國公開賽冠軍 Carlo Biado、9號球世界排名前十的大井直幸、前世界冠軍柯秉逸等明星球員都將悉數參賽。

為推廣本屆賽事,五屆莫斯考尼杯冠軍和天空體育評論員 Karl Boyes 將親臨新加坡提供現場評論與報導,除此之外Matchroom 公司也會派出工作人員一起與 Boyes 為本屆賽事的舉辦提供多種類支援。

本屆亞洲9號球公開賽將是在亞洲舉辦的首個9號球世界排名賽。可以說對於即將開賽的亞洲9號球公開賽,加之 Matchroom 公司在社交媒體上的影響力和全球範圍內廣泛的受眾而言會是對全球賽事組織者的一針強心劑。

Matchroom Multi Sport 執行董事 Emily Frazer 在接受採訪時表示:“當我們首次知曉 APF 計畫推出亞洲9號球公開賽之時,我們就知道這項比賽與我們的9號球世界排名有著完美的契合度。我們非常高興能進一步與 APF 發展合作關係,我們要也將秉攜著 Matchroom 公司在社交媒體的影響力。

​Matchroom.Live 直播平台的便捷性以及 APF 團隊所表現出的專業水準,推動 APF 賽事直播走出亞洲、走向全球。我們也熱忱的歡迎其他賽事組織者加入進來,在直播推廣領域的合作共襄盛舉。此次與APF的合作符合我們對9球世界排名體系的構建和設定,在Multi Sport團隊的深耕之下,我們的構想已經初見成效。”

APF主席 Christopher Chuah 表示:“APF 對與 Matchroom 公司的合作感到興奮,Matchroom公司的加入也必將使得9號球運動在本地區的發展推向更高的水準。通過 Matchroom 公司的支持,本屆賽事的直播覆蓋範圍和信號品質將得以提升,而這也對提升賽事知名度和塑造賽事形象方面有著積極的推動作用,以上種種都將有利賦予亞洲地區在世界9號球運動版圖中更高的權重。”