Jeanette Lee, “The Black Widow,” Diagnosed With Terminal Cancer 珍娜李罹癌末期 繼續與病魔奮戰

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Friends and Family of the World’s Most Recognizable Billiards Player Launch “The Jeanette Lee Legacy Fund” to Support Lee’s Three Daughters

One of the most iconic names in billiards, Jeanette Lee, has announced that she has been diagnosed with stage four ovarian cancer. Nicknamed The Black Widow, Lee was the dominant billiards personality of her era who was formerly ranked No. 1 in the sport, a World Games Gold Medalist and a WPBA, BCA and Asian Hall of Fame inductee.

Lee, now 49 years old, has vowed to fight the disease through every means available including chemotherapy, which has already begun, as well as upcoming surgeries to slow the onslaught of her illness.

Winner of more than 30 national and international titles, Lee’s greatest achievement is being the mother to three daughters Cheyenne (16), Chloe (11) and Savannah (10). Lee has expressed that her biggest concern is the future of her children.

“I intend to bring the same resolve I brought to the billiards table to this fight,” said Lee. “Jim Valvano so eloquently told us to ‘Never give up’. I owe it to my three young daughters to do exactly that.”

In response to that need, a group of her friends, family and business associates have launched a GoFundMe effort. The “Jeanette Lee Legacy Fund” is a trust designed to provide for the care, well-being and education of her three daughters. Donations to the Jeanette Lee Legacy Fund can be made by visiting: .

With ESPN’s broadcasts of the WPBA in the 1980’s and 1990’s, Lee’s combination of competitive excellence, unique style and beauty made her the fan favorite and extended billiards to a broader audience. She graced ESPN Magazine’s “The Body” issue, was a contestant on Korea’s Dancing with the Stars, was featured in an ESPN SportsCenter commercial, and made a cameo appearance in the Disney film, The Other Sister.

Consistently ranked as one of the Most Powerful People in the sport by Billiards Digest, Lee’s career was cut short by her battle with Scoliosis that, over the last dozen years, had limited her ability to compete at the game’s highest level.

Jeanette Lee with her three daughters

Jeanette Lee with her three daughters

“黑寡婦” Jeanette Lee 罹患卵巢癌末期 繼續與病魔奮戰

韓裔美籍名將 “黑寡婦” Jeanette Lee (珍娜李),日前被診斷出罹患卵巢癌第四期,醫生研判壽命可能僅剩不到1年的時間。Jeanette 在職業生涯中奪下超過30多個國內與國際賽事冠軍,不僅主宰著她所處年代的撞球賽場並曾登上世界排名第一,她曾獲得世運會金牌並入選WPBA與BCA名人堂。Jeanette 從小受脊椎側彎困擾,其更是影響到她的生活,曾多次進行手術。

Jeanette 展現對抗病魔的決心,誓言將通過一切可行的方式,包括已開始進行的化療及即將進行以減緩病程的手術。她說道:”我將會把在賽場上相同的決心帶到這場戰鬥中。” Jeanette 表示其最大的成就是成為三個孩子的母親,孩子們也正是她現在最關心憂慮的事。而為滿足這樣需求,她的親友與生意夥伴於集資平台 GoFundMe 發起 “Jeanette Lee 遺產基金” 募款活動,為三個女兒募得經費以作為照顧、福祉和教育的信託基金。


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