Fong-Pang CHAO appointed as new President of CTBF 前世界冠軍趙豐邦當選撞球總會會長

CHAO Fong-Pang_the 9th President of CTBF_777x437Former president Chen-Pang LI 前任會長李振邦 (L) and Fong-Pang CHAO 趙豐邦 (R)Photo Courtesy of CTBF

Former world champion Fong-Pang CHAO was elected as 9th President of Chinese Taipei Billiards Federation (CTBF) on February 16.

CHAO is the first one still actively player to been elected as president. He has earned two-time world 9-ball champion in 1993 and 2000, and won three-time International Challenge of Champions. In 1998, he also won the Asian Games gold medal in 8-ball and bronze medal in 9-ball (single).

CHAO Fong-Pang by Takayama Takao

Photo Courtesy of On the hill!

中華民國撞球總會於2月16進行會長、理事及監事改選,前世界冠軍 “冷面殺手” 趙豐邦順利當選第九屆會長,同時也是首位球員出身的會長。

趙豐邦表示: “接下會長後,除努力讓自己的球技更加精進之外,會更努力以創造選手福利、提升撞球優質環境、打造更多的比賽舞台為主旨。也希望為台灣創造出更好的撞球運動市場,激發更多年輕人參與撞球運動。”