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JOSHUA FILLER (GERMANY) collected his ninth Predator Euro Tour title as he defeated compatriot Stefan Kasper by 10-2 to claim the Longoni Italian Open at the Best Western BHR Treviso Hotel. Filler’s recent run of form at the Euro Tour has been nothing short of incredible, with five championship wins in his last seven starts.
For Kasper, who battled his way through the competition, it was a career-best second place finish, and he enjoyed outstanding victories over Alex Kazakis and Wojciech Szewczyk in the quarter and semi-finals respectively. Filler, though, grabbed the match by the scruff of its neck as he opened up a 3-0 lead to leave his opponent reeling.
Kasper got a couple of racks on the board to trail 2-4 and give himself a glimmer of hope, but after that it was strictly one-way traffic as Filler won the next eight racks unanswered to close out the match.
Filler is well-rehearsed in victory speeches and he said, “It feels good because I played pretty good throughout the whole tournament, except the one match maybe. The deciding thing today against Niels and Kasper was my safety game. I played really good safety; smart shots and I kept them under pressure the whole time.
“For Kasper in the final, he was struggling with the speed of the table and I just took advantage of it. Every time I got out of shape, I played really good shots and when you play like that it feels amazing. It’s my ninth win of the Euro Tour. It’s pretty impressive but I want to keep the streak going.
Filler had been under the spell of jetlag, having just returned from an extended trip to the United States.
He said, “The first two days I just slept a maximum of two or three hours due to the jet lag but today was the first day that I slept six hours so I felt much much better. In the first match I was kind of still tired but when you play a lot of matches, you go through the adrenalin and don’t feel tired. Now I’m awake, I’m going to have a nice dinner and I’m happy to lift the trophy in the end!”
Despite coming close, Kasper drew some consolation from his performances this week, “I’m very happy with this tournament but Josh is too good – that’s it. I could have made it 3-3 but after that I had no chance. But that’s OK; I’m very happy with my second place. It’s been the best international tournament I’ve ever played and I’m looking forward to achieving similar results in the future.”

Joshua Filler
The Longoni Italian Open (Women) got underway today and played down to the last 16. Play resumes tomorrow (Sunday) at 10.00 with the title decider scheduled for 16.00.
This year sees a new streaming platform for all Euro Tour and European Championships events.
Table 1 will be streamed throughout on YouTube, via the Pro Billiard TV channel – ]https://www.youtube.com/@ProBilliardTV
For all results, live scoring and draw, visit https://www.epbf.com/tournaments/eurotour/information/
The Predator Euro Tour Series is the world’s longest-running pool tour. Sanctioned by the EPBF, there are six events annually on the calendar and all tournaments are played on Predator ARC tables, covered with Simonis 860 cloth, using Aramith Duramith balls. Additional sponsors are Kamui Chalk and Longoni Cues.
The host sponsor at the Longoni Italian Open is the Best Western Premier BHR Treviso Hotel
Filler 奪2025歐巡賽首站冠軍
男子歐巡賽 2025年賽季首站於義大利特雷維索的Best Western BHR酒店落下帷幕,最終由 Joshua Filler 擊敗同樣來自德國的選手 Stefan Kasper 拿下優勝;收穫亞軍的 Kasper 則取得職業生涯至今的最佳名次。
Kasper 在八強與半決賽中分別擊敗前2021年世界花式撞球大師賽冠軍,希臘名將 Alex Kazakis 與波蘭好手 Wojciech Szewczyk (2022年男子10號球世錦賽冠軍) 挺進決賽。
Filler 在決賽中率先抓住了機會,開賽後取得3-0的領先優勢,Kasper 隨後那下2局,比數追至 2-4 落後。然而在那之後 Kasper 的得局數便就此定住,Filler 連下八局,終場以10-2拿下勝利。

Stefan Kasper
Filler 說道:“前兩天因為時差,最多只睡了2-3小時,今天是第一天睡了6小時,感覺好多了。在首場比賽中我還是感到有些累,但當你比賽打多之後,你會經歷腎上腺素的分泌,因而不感到疲倦。對於決賽中的 Kasper 來說,他掙扎於球台的速度,而我僅是利用了這一點。每當我狀況不佳時,都會有不錯的表現,而當你的表現像那樣時,那感覺棒極了。這是我在歐巡賽的第九個冠軍,但我想繼續保持下去。”
Kasper 表示:“我對這次比賽非常滿意,只不過 Josh 的表現實在太棒了!我本有機會能追成3-3,但錯失之後我便再也沒有機會了。但不遺憾,我對我的第二名感到非常滿意。這是我參加過最好的國際賽事,我期待在未來能取得類似的成績。”
Longoni義大利公開賽是美洲豹 (Predator) 與歐巡賽建立突破性合作關係後的首場賽事。
美洲豹集團行銷總監 JP Parmentier 評論道:「這項賽事標誌著我們這項運動激動人心的新時代的開始。我們非常自豪能夠在這舞台上首次推出 ARC球桌,並看到像 Joshua Filler 這樣的世界級選手在 ARC 上舉起獎盃,這讓它變得更加特別。這只是一個開始—— 我們期待將這樣水平的創新和卓越帶到未來的更多比賽中。