The Reyes Cup 雷耶斯盃 歐亞對抗賽

The Reyes Cup is a brand-new invitational event that will see Team Asia take on Team Europe, the event will follow in the footsteps of the four-day team format of the prestigious Mosconi Cup. Team Asia will be represented by the top-three ranked players from the World Nineball Rankings one-year list, with two additional wildcards selected by Team Asia captain.

雷耶斯盃為一項全新邀請賽,2024的首屆賽事將於菲律賓首都馬尼拉舉行,以紀念撞球運動中最偉大的球員,菲律賓傳奇球星 Efren Reyes。雷耶斯盃之於亞洲版的莫斯考尼盃,其賽制亦將延續享譽盛名的莫斯科尼盃為期四天的團體賽制,由亞洲隊對戰歐洲隊。世界9號球排名 (Nineball World Rankings) 前三的亞洲選手將獲得資格代表出戰,再加上 2個由隊長所選出的外卡選手。


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