Dynamic Billard Lasko Open 2021 – 第二站歐巡賽於斯洛維尼亞登場

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Lasko, the beautiful picturesque town in the heart of Slovenia will play host to the Dynamic Billard Lasko Open this week. The town of Lasko and the Thermana hotel & spa resort is already known for the hosting of international tournaments in Basketball table tennis and several other high profile sports and they can now add Billiards to their portfolio of events.

More than 200 Athletes from 35 countries are making their way to Slovenia to contest the second Eurotour stop of 2021, this number in itself is an achievement considering the restrictions this Covid pandemic is throwing up. Testing for those athletes not yet vaccinated or recovered will be carried out every 48 hours to ensure a safe environment for everyone. Visitors and spectators are also required to show a form of vaccination or recovery certificate before entering the hotel and sports hall.

The matches will start Thursday 12th August at 09:00 and carry on through to the finals on Saturday at 17:30 local time. You can watch all the matches live at www.kozoom.com with the results and schedule found at www.epbf.com

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此前,位於斯洛維尼亞東部的 Lasko 與 Thermana 水療度假酒店以舉辦過國際籃球與乒乓球錦標賽等運動項目而聞名,然繼上周日圓滿落幕的2021年青少年歐洲錦標賽後,撞球運動也成為了他們代表作一員。接下來這個美麗小鎮也緊接著迎來今年歐巡賽的第二站。本站賽事將有來自35個國家/地區的200多位球員參賽,然在考慮到 Covid 疫情所帶來的限制下,這數字本身已是一項成就。而尚未接種疫苗或從染疫中康復的球員將每48小時進行一次檢測,以確保所有人都有一個安全的環境,而遊客和觀眾則在進入酒店與賽場前均須出示疫苗接種或康復證明。

比賽將於當地時間上午9點展開,決賽則於當地時間星期六下午 5:30 進行。賽事將在 www.kozoom.com 上進行所有比賽的直播,日程安排與賽程結果可於 www.epbf.com 上查詢。