Dynamic Billard European Pool Championships 2018 are opened

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The Dynamic Billard European Pool Championships 2018, the 40th anniversary event of the EPBF have been opened with a tremendous show.

After all 37 nations have been welcomed and walked in with a representative holding their respective national flag, the ceremony was continued with speeches from some dignitaries present. The President of the EPBF, Gre Leenders welcomed all athletes present and indicated that this event marks a milestone in the history of the EPBF. He was followed by the Director of the NH Conference Centre Koningshof who expressed his hopes that all athletes feel comfortable in his facility. Finally, the President of the Dutch Billiard Federation KNBB, Mr. Garmt Kolhorn, acknowledged the efforts of the EPBF in setting up this amazing venue and wished all athletes a successful tournament.

2018 The 40th EC - Dynamic Billard European Pool Championships 2018 are opened

After the speeches, a futuristic show was about to begin but a small delay took place since some local authority officials needed to check for safety. This unexpected break was perfectly filled with an entertaining presentation of IBPF President David Morris who interviewed some of the guests present about their past within the EPBF. Finally, the show took place. A laser beam light show together with futuristic music and dance acrobatics entertained all spectators and athletes present. When the dance act finished, suddenly Gre Leenders appeared on stage. This show was followed by an indoor firework and the actual opening of the Championships.

The Dynamic Billard European Pool Championships 2018 will commence tomorrow morning at 09:00 CET with matches in the straight pool individuals competition men, women, seniors, U17 and U19.

The Jubilee Championships are played on 60 tables which are all streamed LIVE throughout the whole event. In order to be able to follow all the action LIVE, premium membership can be obtained at www.kozoom.com. Once a premium membership is held, all events for the respective period of time can be viewed LIVE. Additionally, a huge video gallery is contained in the website.

The event is hosted by the European Governing Body for Pool, the European Pocket Billiard Federation (EPBF) and organized by International Billiard Promotion (IBP). For further information and reference please go to the federation website www.epconline.eu or visit us on Facebook for regular news clips or contact our press office [email protected].