Dutch Federation KNBB introduced „Smart Pool“

In the preparations for the upcoming jubilee Dynamic Billard European Pool Championships 2018, the Dutch Federation Koninklijke Nederlandse Biljartbond (KNBB) used the opportunity to introduce a new game to the public called „smart pool“.

The press conference was held in an international school in Veldhoven, The Netherlands. Representatives from the town as well as the host Hotel „NH Koningshof“ together with many press people witnessed an introduction of this new and exciting game.

„Smart pool is a combination of pool billiards and mathematics, „ explained Willem La Riviere, the representative of the KNBB on site. „It is fascinating and thrilling and designed to attract new members for our clubs, especially among the students and young kids“, he further explained.

The EPBF was represented by its President Gre Leenders and the Press Officer Thomas Overbeck. Leenders stated „smart pool will be shown all around The Netherlands. The KNBB will sponsor 20 tables to different Dutch schools and the game will be introduced to the students and connected to their studying schedule“, Leenders added. „This effort by the KNBB is great in order to attract the young generation for our sports.“

The smart pool project is supported by the Dutch Ministry of Sports VWS.

2018 Dutch Federation KNBB introduced Smart Pool 480

Willem La Riviere (left) and Gre Leenders

荷蘭撞球協會 KNBB 在即將到來的2018歐洲撞球錦標賽籌備工作中,藉此機會向大眾介紹了一款名為”智能撞球”的新項目。新聞發布會在荷蘭‧費爾德霍溫 (Veldhoven) 的一所國際學校舉行。現場有來自該鎮代表、主辦酒店”NH Koningshof”代表及眾多新聞界人士一同見證其發表介紹。歐洲撞球協會 EPBF 則由主席 Gre Leenders 與新聞官 Thomas Overbeck一起代表出席。

KNBB代表Willem La Riviere現場說道: “智能撞球是撞球與數學的結合。” 並更進一步解釋說道: “這將是令人著迷及興奮地,其旨在為俱樂部吸引新成員,特別是學生族群及年輕的孩子們。” 而此項目並也得到了荷蘭體育部VWS的支持。

歐洲撞球協會 EPBF 主席 Leenders表示: “智能撞球將在荷蘭各地展出。KNBB也將贊助20張球桌到荷蘭境內不同的學校,將該項目介紹給學生們並與他們的學習課表結合。” 最後,Leenders補充說道: “為了吸引年輕一代參與到我們的運動當中,KNBB此一付出與努力非常的優秀。”
