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Mickey Krause’s title defence came to a crushing end on Day Three of the 2025 European Open Pool Championship, while former world champions Shane Van Boening, Francisco Sanchez Ruiz, and Carlo Biado advanced to tomorrow’s Last 64 stage.
For the first time, the prestigious championship is being hosted at Hills Hotel in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, in partnership with the Ministry of Culture and Sports of Sarajevo Canton. The tournament runs from March 11-16, bringing world-class nine-ball action to the heart of the Balkans, on Sky Sports to the UK & Ireland, and WNT TV to the USA, Vietnam, and other international regions.

©Taka G. Wu/Matchroom Multi Sport
Krause’s reign as European Open champion came to an abrupt and bitter end as the Danish Viking suffered a tough 9-5 defeat in his opening match against Emil Gangflot, forcing him into the Losers’ Bracket.
In a must-win showdown, Krause faced Hubert Lopotko, who was eager to avenge his defeat to Krause in last year’s Mezz Bucharest Ranking Event final. What was expected to be a hard-fought battle turned into an even greater struggle for the defending champion, as Lopotko stormed to the hill, leaving Krause trailing by six racks. Despite a late surge to close the gap, a costly miss on the 1-ball proved fatal, allowing Lopotko to strike the final blow and complete his long-awaited revenge, eliminating Krause from the tournament.

©Taka G. Wu/Matchroom Multi Sport
Shane Van Boening continued his strong run in Sarajevo, delivering a commanding 9-5 victory over Indonesian cueist Andri Januarta to secure his place in the Last 64 of the European Open. However, it was a different story for his Mosconi Cup teammates Billy Thorpe and Tyler Styer, whose tournament campaigns came to a heartbreaking end. Thorpe suffered back-to-back defeats to Joao Grilo and Marcel Price, while Styer’s hopes were dashed by a costly scratch against Kostas Koukiadakis, sealing his early exit.
Francisco Sánchez Ruiz made light work of his Winners’ Qualification match against Bui Truong An, storming to a 9-1 victory in a dominant display. El Ferrari wasted no time shifting into high gear, taking control at 2-1 before running up the racks to close the match.
Carlo Biado’s European debut continues to gather momentum, with the former world champion securing his place in the Last 64 after a commanding 9-4 victory over Britain’s Imran Majid.

©Taka G. Wu/Matchroom Multi Sport
Joining the Black Tiger in the next stage, the rest of the 2024 Team Asia crew also cruised through. Johann Chua kept his European redemption quest alive, overcoming a 3-0 deficit to defeat rising star Riku Romppanen 9-4. Meanwhile, Reyes Cup MVP Aloysius Yapp delivered a clinical performance, dismantling Scottish Open and Welsh Open snooker champion Gary Wilson with a swift 9-3 win.
Despite his earlier setback, Wilson kept his tournament hopes alive, rebounding in the Losers’ Bracket with a dominant 9-2 victory over Carlo Blasi to secure his spot in tomorrow’s single elimination stage.
Determined to keep the European crown in his home country, Sanjin Pehlivanovic powered into tomorrow’s single-elimination stage with a third commanding 9-1 victory, this time over Greece’s Dimitris Loukatos. He was joined by his fellow Balkan contenders, as Eklent Kaçi, Aleksa Pecelj, and Kledio Kaçi all secured their spots in Day Four.

Sanjin Pehlivanovic|©Taka G. Wu/Matchroom Multi Sport
Also advancing to the next round is reigning UK Open champion Robbie Capito, who continues his pursuit of another Matchroom Major title. Meanwhile, former European Open champion David Alcaide remains in the hunt to reclaim the title, keeping his championship ambitions alive.
Last 64 Draw
The Last 64 is now confirmed for the 2025 European Open Pool Championship, with the pick of the round including a tasty encounter between Premier League Pool contenders Johann Chua and Edward Koyongian. Other stand out ties include Carlo Biado against Tobias Bongers, and Duong Quoc Hoang against Thorsten Hohmann.
For the full draw and live rack-by-rack scoring will be available throughout the event at www.wntlivescores.com.
Session Times
The European Open Championship will take place from March 11-16
All times are local (CEST)
11-14 March – from 10 am daily
15 March – 12 pm – 4:30 pm / 6:30 pm – 10:30 pm
16 March – 12 pm – 4:30 pm / 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Don’t miss the chance to catch the action as the 2025 European Open Pool Championship unfolds in Sarajevo – Spectator tickets available here!
For all the latest updates, follow Matchroom Pool on Facebook, Instagram, X, Tik

©Taka G. Wu/Matchroom Multi Sport
2025歐洲公開賽 – 衛冕冠軍提早出局 五台灣選手挺進64強
今日 (14日) 凌晨 2025歐洲公開賽結束了第三日賽程,第一階段256進64的雙敗階段全部結束,其結果有驚喜也有遺憾。衛冕冠軍 Mickey Krause 在勝部資格賽 5-9 敗於挪威年輕新秀 Emil Gangflot 落入敗部, 緊接著在TV桌的敗部資格賽中的狀態不佳,再次輸給波蘭選手 Hubert Lopotko 止步本屆賽事,無緣持續其衛冕之路。
美國名將 SVB 繼續保持強勁表現,以 9-5 打敗印尼選手 Andri Januarta,從而確保了自己64強中佔有一席之地。然後,他的莫斯考尼盃隊友 Billy Thorpe 與 Tyler Styer,Thorpe 分別輸給 Joao Grilo 與 Marcel Price 連吞兩敗遭到淘汰;Styer 則落敗於希臘選手 Kostas Koukiadakis 提前出局。
“FSR” Francisco Sánchez Ruiz 以9-1大比分擊敗 Bui Truong An (越南);前世界冠軍 “Black Tiger” Carlo Biado 9-4 擊敗英國選手 Imran Majid, 兩位名將輕鬆愉快晉級64強之列。另一位菲律賓之星 Johann Chua 的復仇之旅仍在繼續,Chua 克服了0-3 落後之勢,終場以 9-4 擊敗芬蘭新星 Riku Romppanen。

©Taka G. Wu/Matchroom Multi Sport
地主希望 Sanjin Pehlivanovic 繼續為能將冠軍留下繼續奮戰著,Pehlivanovic 以 9-1 的壓倒性優勢擊敗 Dimitris Loukatos (希臘)挺進單敗淘汰賽,與他一同晉級的還有 Eklent Kaçi、Aleksa Pecelj 和 Kledio Kaçi 這幾位來自巴爾幹半島的選手們。
台灣選手方面,柯秉中在勝部晉級賽中以 9-2 輕鬆擊敗越南選手阮英俊,哥哥 柯秉逸則在雙賽點絕殺波蘭好手 Mateusz Sniegocki ,兩人雙雙順利晉級64強;而同樣雙賽點,弟弟 柯秉漢則迎來不同結局,在敗部資格賽中 8-9 輸給劉日騰無緣64強。
唐境霆於敗部資格賽以 9-7 終止了希臘選手 Antonios Kakaris 的波赫之旅;另一場台灣內戰則由”玉面飛龍” 張玉龍 以9-5 淘汰林達理,進入單敗賽。而王泓翔與劉運程則分別於敗部資格賽不敵印尼選手 Andri Jamuarta (7-9) 與芬蘭的 Petri Makkonen 止步64強,遺憾出局。

©Taka G. Wu/Matchroom Multi Sport
Round 2 Losers 敗部第二輪:
劉建弘 Liu Chien Hung vs Dzanan Mujdzic (BIH 波黑) 8:2
Round 3 – Winners Qualification 勝部晉級賽
柯秉逸 Ko Pin-Yi vs Mateusz Sniegocki (POL 波蘭) 9-8
柯秉中 Ko Ping-Chung vs 阮英俊 Nguyen Anh Tuan (VIE 越南) 9:2
劉日騰 Liu Ri-Teng vs Jonás Souto Comino (ESP 西班牙) 3:9
張玉龍 Chang Yu Lung vs Alexander Kazakis (GRE 希臘) 3:9
唐境霆 Tang Ching Ting vs Mohammad Soufi (SYR 敘利亞) 7-9
Round 3 Losers 敗部第三輪:
柯秉漢 Ko Ping Han vs Cristian Surdea (ROU 羅馬尼亞) 8:0
王泓翔 Wang Hung Hsiang vs Labinot Markaj (KOS 科索沃) 8:7
劉運程 Liu Yun Cheng vs Diliyan Tiklev (BUL 保加利亞) 8-6
劉建弘 Liu Chien Hung vs Ernesto Gjoni (ALB 阿爾巴尼亞) 6-8 “DE – Eliminated”
林達理 Lin Ta-Li vs Tom Staveley (GBR 英國) 8:5
張子謙 Chang Tzu Chien vs Carlo Blasi (ITA 義大利) 5:8 “DE – Eliminated”
Round 4 Losers 敗部資格賽:
柯秉漢 Ko Ping Han vs 劉日騰 Liu Ri-Teng 8-9
劉運程 Liu Yun Cheng vs Petri Makkonen (FIN 芬蘭) 1-9 “DE – Eliminated”
唐境霆 Tang Ching Ting vs Antonios Kakaris (GRE 希臘) 9-7
林達理 Lin Ta-Li vs 張玉龍 Chang Yu Lung 5-9 “DE – Eliminated”
王泓翔 Wang Hung Hsiang vs Andri Jamuarta (INA 印尼) 7-9 “DE – Eliminated”