Albin Ouschan Wins Inaugural European Open Title – 歐斯純斬獲首屆歐洲公開賽冠軍

2022 European Open - Day 6_Winner Albin Ouschan_777x437©Taka G. Wu/Matchroom Multi Sport

中 文

Albin Ouschan has won the inaugural European Open Pool Championship at Hotel Esperanto, Fulda in Germany beating Shane Van Boening in the final 13-11 live on Sky Sports in the UK and Ireland, DAZN in the USA, Canada, Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy, and Switzerland as well as on Viaplay in Scandinavia, Poland, and the Baltics and various other broadcasters worldwide including Matchroom.Live in relevant countries.

Shane Van Boening 肖恩·范博寧  11 – 13  Albin Ouschan 阿爾賓·歐斯純

It was a cagey early affair as Ouschan won the lag only to miss a cut on the two ball to put Van Boening at the table to take a 1-0 lead. Van Boening is usually on form with his break but the new break rule seems to be impacting him more than most and it showed in the next rack as he scratched to give Ouschan ball in hand who duly levelled at 1-1. In the third, it was Ouschan‘s turn to scratch, and Van Boening lead again at 2-1.

Ouschan was quick to turn it around at the break to soon lead at 3-2 taking advantage of Van Boening‘s clear misfortune and disbelief. Much like the World Pool Championship final in April, it was nip and tuck as Van Boening leveled. Van Boening then scratched again in the seventh off the break meaning of his last ten breaks in the tournament he’d either broken dry or scratched. Ouschan looked like he was due to lead at 4-3 but lost position forcing him to go airborne on the three and scratch in the middle pocket to give his American counterpart the lead once again.

2022 European Open - Day 6_Final_FB

Final©Taka G. Wu/Matchroom Multi Sport

Van Boening had a wry smile for the first time in the match at 4-3 as he kept the cue ball on the table after the break and made two balls much to the satisfaction of the Fulda crowd. The South Dakota kid was finding his mojo with effortless cue ball control for the first time in the match to lead by two at 5-3 with a break and run. The mojo mentioned was continued as one break and runs turned into two for a three-rack advantage in the favour of Van Boening at 6-3.

A cagey following rack saw Van Boening lose ground on the eight to leave an awkward angle, Ouschan gratefully cleared up to cut the deficit to 6-4. A few exchanges later saw Van Boening establish a three rack buffer again only for Ouschan to bite back. Two mistakes from Van Boening on postional movement saw Ouschan get back in after 13 racks at 7-6. It was far from over.

Ouschan is used to being behind in big moments and he was soon turning the contest on its head to lead for the at 8-7 after Van Boening failed to make the two when airborne. The Austrian was looking imperious and back to his best as he won his fifth rack in a row to lead at 9-7. With momentum gathering in Ouschan‘s favour, he broke dry at 9-7 for Van Boening to get back to the table and cut the lead to one. Van Boening broke and run in the next rack and it was 9-9. Ouschan soon had the lead for a fourth time in the match at 10-9 after a dry break from Van Boening.

The woe of the break was the downfall of Van Boening truly, another dry break in the 21st rack lead to Ouschan putting away the table to be two away from victory and history. Ouschan chose to break down the middle in the 22nd rack but it was another dry one and Van Boening swept in to level again.

2022 European Open - Day 6_Shane Van Boening

©Taka G. Wu/Matchroom Multi Sport

The best was being saved until last between Van Boening and Ouschan as they went at each other in a deep safety battle which saw Ouschan leave the two hanging over the pocket. Van Boening made it before a 3-6 combo and a safety on the three. Eventually, it was left open by Ouschan but Van Boening‘s safety lead to him scratching to give Ouschan ball in hand but perhaps key, the 4-9 were locked together. Ouschan had disrupted the four but he was glued behind it, a neat safety later and Van Boening was in a heap of trouble behind the seven. Van Boening hit the four full contact to open the table up and put Ouschan on the hill at 12-11.

Into the final rack of the match and Ouschan looked to have sacrificed his time at the table after the 3-8 were locked up. Van Boening made an excellent bank to make the three but a costly error on the five gave Ouschan his chance to seal victory at 13-11.

Ouschan said: “I am done after the match with Mario and Shane. You couldn’t tell who was going to win it. I think overall it was a good and exciting match to watch. I am so glad it’s over and I had some sweet revenge over Shane. Of course, it goes through your mind that you are playing against Shane in a final again. THe last one you played and he smashed you. It gets in your head. When the match went tight at 10-10, I thought please dear lord give me a break and I finally had one. Then I screwed up on the three ball. Then I am glad he felt some pressure on the five ball, and now it’s over and I can go home with another title.”

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©Taka G. Wu/Matchroom Multi Sport

Ouschan‘s win sees the two-time World Champion move up to third in the Live Nineball World Rankings with a difference of over $10,000 between him and fourth-placed Francisco Sanchez Ruiz in the vital race for an automatic spot in the 2022 Mosconi Cup.

Next up is the 2022 US Open Pool Championship at Harrah’s Resort, Atlantic City, USA from October 10-15.


The US Open Pool Championship is the sport’s most historic tournament with defending champion Carlo Biado set to lead the field of 256 this October 10-15 along with the likes of five-time champion and newly crowned World Champion Shane Van Boening, Joshua Filler, Skyler Woodward and many more big hitters set to go toe-to-toe with players from all four corners of the world over six days.

A range of ticket packages are available including an event pass giving you access to all six days of action for only $155, a saving of up to $55. A premium event pass gives you reserved front two seats for the single-elimination stage at $205.

Ticket Types

  • Day Tickets – From $31 including local taxes
  • Premium Final Day – From $93 including local taxes
  • Season Pass – $155 including local taxes
  • Season Pass Premium – $205 including local taxes

Fans can also take advantage of our exclusive room rate. Stay side-by-side with the stars of pool at Harrah’s Resort Atlantic City.

2022 European Open - Day 6_Albin Ouschan kisses trophy_FB

©Taka G. Wu/Matchroom Multi Sport

生日夜斬獲首屆歐洲公開賽冠軍 Ouschan完成世錦賽決賽復仇之戰

Albin Ouschan (阿爾賓·歐斯純)在德國富爾達的 Esperanto酒店舉辦的首屆9號球歐洲公開賽決賽中以13-11擊敗 Shane Van Boening (肖恩·范博寧),加冕冠軍。本屆歐洲公開賽共有天空體育、DAZN、Viaplay 和 Matchroom.Live等電視和網絡媒體在全球範圍內進行賽事直播。

決賽開場之初,OuschanVan Boening 二人都非常謹慎。Ouschan 率先獲得衝球機會,然而他卻在2號球和5號球上切下不進後將球權交給 Van BoeningOuschan 的失誤讓 Van Boening 贏下首局,取得 1-0 的領先。Van Boening 的衝球一貫準度極佳,然而本屆比賽中所採用的全新衝球規則對他的影響似乎比對其他球員的影響要大得多,這一點在第二局中尤其明顯。來到比賽第二局,Van Boening 衝球後母球落入中袋從而將球權交還到 Ouschan 手中,Ouschan 抓住機會將比分扳成1-1。輪到 Ouschan 在第三局衝球,令人訝異的是 Ouschan 的衝球也出現了問題,母球幾乎是以跟第二局 Van Boening 衝球時一樣的線路落入中袋,拿到手中球的 Van Boening 以2-1再次領先。

就在 Van Boening 不走運的衝球和不自信狀態之下,Ouschan 迅速扭轉局面以3-2取得領先。如同今年4月份的9號球世錦賽決賽一樣,Van Boening 在追平比分的同時也將比賽帶入了白熱化的局面。隨後,Van Boening 在第七局中再次衝球後母球落袋,他在最近的十個衝球局均是衝球未進球或者衝球後母球落袋,而這示出其糟糕的衝球手感和極度匱乏的運氣。Ouschan 本應以4-3領先,但是他在跳下3號球之後母球再次落入中袋,交出球權後范伯寧沒有手軟直接贏下第七局。

2022 European Open - Day 5_Shane Van Boening

Shane Van Boening©Taka G. Wu/Matchroom Multi Sport

比賽來到第八局,Van Boening 衝球後終於有兩顆球入袋,在全場觀眾的歡呼聲中 Van Boening 尷尬的笑了出來。似乎是這局的衝球讓 Van Boening 找回了手感以及對母球走位的控制,憑藉接下來的清台和衝球他以 5-3 領先。在第九局中,Van Boening 則繼續發揮著難得的 “魔力”,以 6-3 的比分取得三局的領先優勢。

在接下來的第十局比賽中,Van Boening 打進7號球後走位失誤,沒能給8號球留出下球角度,Ouschan 幸運的接手這個局面並實現了清台逆轉,將分差縮小為 4-6。隨後的一局交鋒後,Van Boening 再次建立起三局的領先優勢,但在兩杆走位失誤後被 Ouschan 抓住機會將比分扳至6-7,而決賽的這種焦灼場面還遠遠沒有結束。

決賽開始後 Ouschan 以落後狀態居多,在 Van Boening 連續兩局手感不佳之時,Ouschan 抓住機會扭轉了比賽的局面取得 8-7 的領先。狀態上升的 Ouschan 找回了比賽狀態,連續第五局衝球的他以 9-7 領先Van Boening。儘管 Ouschan 的勢頭越來越好,但他還是在第17局中衝球不進從讓 Van Boening 重新回到了球台並追回一局縮小落後的劣勢。Van Boening 在下一局中衝球並清台後將比分扳至 9-9 平。在 Van Boening 一桿衝球未進後 Ouschan 以 10-9 的比分第四次在決賽中領先。

比賽來到第21局,糟糕的衝球再次出現在 Van Boening 的身上,而 Ouschan 乾淨利索的拿下後距離冠軍只有2局之遙。決賽中第六次衝球不進的 OuschanVan Boening 再次將比分扳平至 11-11。

2022 European Open - Day 5_Albin Ouschan

Albin Ouschan©Taka G. Wu/Matchroom Multi Sport

冠軍頭銜花落誰家的懸念幾乎被留到了決賽的最後一刻。Van BoeningOuschan 二人在第23局陷入安全球大戰,最終是 Van Boening 解球出現失誤,在將4號球解出庫邊後留給了 Ouschan 下球的機會,Ouschan 以 12-11 率先拿到賽點。

在決賽的最後一局中,Ouschan 在將3號球和8號球做成安全球之後范伯寧以一桿極為精彩的長台翻袋贏回球權。而 Van Boening 在5號球上的重大失誤給了 Ouschan 繼續上手的機會最終以 13-11 鎖定冠軍。

在一場極度窒息的決賽后,拿到冠軍的 Ouschan 在接受采訪時說:“在與 Mario 和 Shane 的比賽結束後,我覺得筋疲力盡。你無法判斷誰將會贏得比賽。我認為總的來說,這是一場不錯的、令人興奮的比賽。我很高興比賽以我的勝利而告終,而我也對 Shane 在世錦賽決賽中對我的勝利報了一箭之仇。當然,決賽之前你肯定會想,你又要在決賽中與 Shane 相遇。上一次你和他比賽時,他把你打得落花流水。這一點不斷地在你的腦海中浮現。當比賽進行到10-10時,我在心裡懇求親愛的上帝給我一個清台的機會,之後我真的贏下第21局。然後我在3號球上出現了難以置信的失誤 (給了對手機會)。我很高興他在5號球上感受到壓力而出現失誤,勝利屬於我,我可以帶著一座冠軍獎盃回家。”

Ouschan 的勝利使他在實時的9號球世界排名中上升到第三位,在直通2022年莫斯考尼盃的資格上,他領先排名第四位的 Francisco Sanchez Ruiz 近1萬美元。