Pro Billiard Series Postpones 2024 Venezuela Event To Provide Best Experience For Players in 2025

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The Pro Billiard Series (PBS), in collaboration with VenBilliards Corporation, announces the postponement of its scheduled 2024 event in Venezuela. This decision comes in response the importance of ensuring the best possible experience for all participants and attendees in an event in this country.

Despite this temporary adjustment, PBS and VenBilliard Corporation remain committed to their mission of expanding and promoting the sport of pool throughout South America. Our partnership with VenBilliard Corporation is strong, and we are dedicated to resuming our plans in Venezuela in 2025. We are confident that next year we will be able to deliver an exceptional event for all billiards enthusiasts in the region.

In light of this change, the VenBilliards Corporation WPA Women’s World 10-Ball Championship has been relocated to Puerto Rico and will take place in from the 11 to the 16 of November, 2024. We are excited to bring this prestigious event to Puerto Rico, providing athletes and fans with an outstanding tournament experience.

Pro Billiard Series and VenBilliard Corporation are united in their vision to grow the sport and foster a vibrant pool community in South America. This partnership is only the beginning of a long-term commitment to the region, and we look forward to many successful events in the future: starting with this great championship in Puerto Rico.

2024 Venezuela Event Postponed

©Pro Billiard Series

Patrizia Petricca of VenBilliards Corporation said:

“For me and my team the most important thing is to make it happen (Women’s world 10 ball Championship) and give the players what they deserve in Venezuela at the right time. We, VenBilliards Corporation are happy to continue to collaborate with Predator in the new location: Puerto Rico. Our commitment to develop the sport in Latin America is stronger than ever”.

VenBilliards Corporation 的 Patrizia Petricca 說:

Karim Belhaj, CEO of Predator Group, explained: 

“At Predator Group, we remain steadfast in our commitment to bringing world-class pool events to Latin America, in partnership with VenBilliards Corporation. While the timing may have shifted, our dedication to this vision has not wavered. We are determined to ensure that Venezuela will eventually host major events as part of our mission to organize the biggest and most prestigious championships across the region. Together with VenBilliards Corporation, we will continue to elevate the sport and provide the platform that players in Latin America truly deserve.”

We appreciate the understanding and support of our players, partners, and fans as we navigate these challenges and continue to work towards our shared goals.

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世界女子10號球錦標賽的組辦方美洲豹職業撞球系列賽 (PBS) 與當地合作夥伴 VenBilliards Corporation 共同宣布將推遲原定於今年在委內瑞拉所舉行的賽事,並表示此決定是為確保前往該國的所有參賽者和與會者能在活動中能獲得最佳體驗的重要性。故原定 10月12-20日的世界女子10號球錦標賽將改期至11月11-16日,並移師波多黎各舉行。

PBS表示: “雖臨時出現此調整,但與合作夥伴 VenBilliard Corporation,仍將致力於履行在整個南美洲擴展和推廣撞球運動的使命。我們與 VenBilliard Corporation 的合作關係非常堅固,我們致力於在 2025 年恢復我們在委內瑞拉的計劃。”

Pro Billiard Series 和 VenBilliard Corporation 共同致力於發展這項運動並在南美洲培育一個充滿活力的撞球社區。此合作關係只是對該地區長期承諾的開始,我們期待未來將舉辦許多成功的活動:從波多黎各的世錦賽開始。