10 Ball Gold For Szolnoki, Filler and Malanowski|Szolnoki, Filler 與 Malanowski 分獲歐錦賽10號球金牌

2024 EC - 10 Ball_Winners_777x437L to R: Oliver Szolnoki, Emil Malanowski & Pia Filler©EPBF

中文 CN

THE SECOND DISCIPLINE completed this evening at the 2024 DYNAMIC BILLARDS European Championships in Slovenia as Oliver Szolnoki, Pia Filler and Emil Malanowski took the 10 ball gold medals after a long day’s play. Szolnoki (Hungary) defeated Niels Feijen 8-6, while Filler made light work of Spain’s Maria Teresa Ropero by 6-1 and in the wheelchair division, Malanowski (Poland) got the better of Slovenia’s Matej Brajkovic by 5-2.

In a match characterised by difficult layouts following the break, as well as tentative play from both players, it was Szolnoki who opened up the early 2-0 lead as neither player really asserted themselves. It was a confident Feijen who found his feet in the third rack as he cleared a difficult table to reduce the deficit to one rack.

A failed kick from Szolnoki gave Feijen a good look and he completed the run out to level the match. Following some quality safety play from both players, it was Feijen who had the first opportunity and he methodically worked his way around the table to take the lead for the first time at 3-2.

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Despite having ball-in-hand, Feijen failed to convert in the next as he ran out of position and Szolnoki took advantage to tie the match up. He restored his lead in the next following a miss on the 8 ball by Feijen which presented the rack to Szolnoki.

The Hungarian potter took the next to restore his earlier two-rack lead before Feijen’s kicked escape from a safety left a makeable 2 ball for the Hungarian. He potted it, going rail first, and from there he completed the rack for a 6-3 lead.

There was some joy for Feijen in the next as he made a ball on the break and left himself a shot on the 1 ball. From there, he held it together to get the score back to 4-6. Feijen kept it going in the next as he eroded Szolnoki’s lead as the score stood at 6-5.

Szolnoki won the next rack though to reach the hill and then delivered the best break of the match that saw two balls drop. However, neither player could develop the table. Szolnoki had a good chance on the 1 ball but missed it to present a great opportunity to Feijen who made the most of it to get to 6-7.

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Oliver Szolnoki (HUN 匈牙利)©EPBF

However, that was to be Feijen’s final contribution as Szolnoki took the next to win the match and the coveted goal medal.

“I had to wait a long time for this gold. I lost a final in the Under 17 division, I lost a semi-final in the Under 19s, I lost a final in the Under 23 but finally I managed to win and it feels very good!

“I didn’t play the other disciplines, I only came for the 10 ball and the chance to qualify for the World Games, so I’m over the moon to finally get there and have a chance to experience that event. It was a risk but I live quite near and my opponent in the quarter-finals was playing in the 8 ball earlier in the day and I could rest for the match. Maybe I was more fresh.”

Bronze medals went to the German pair of Joshua Filler and Moritz Neuhausen.

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Pia Filler (GER 德國)©EPBF

Once again, it was Pia Filler who made it two gold medals from two events as she coasted through the women’s 10 ball final, defeating Spain’s Maria Teresa Ropero by 6-1. Filler, who had taken straight pool gold on Sunday evening, never looked threatened as she romped to the finish line, opening up a 5-0 lead.

The win completes the set for Pia Filler and she can now add her 10-ball gold medal to the 9 ball she won last year, the 8 ball in 2022 and of course, the straight pool gold she won earlier in the week.

The bronze medallists were Lena Primus (Austria), her second medal of the championships and Sweden’s Linnea Hjalmarstrom.

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10 ball was the first medal event for the wheelchair players and it was Poland’s Emil Malanowski who took the honours, defeating local hope, Matej Brajkovic who was defending this title. 5-2 was the scoreline and it was Malanowski’s first European Championship gold medal, building on last year’s two bronzes.

Malanowski had earlier climbed a mountain in defeating wheelchair legend Henrik Larsson in the semi-final, while Brajkovic had put paid to multiple gold medallist Jouni Tahti’s hopes.

Commented the jubilant Pole, “This victory tastes so wonderful because before the semi-final, I wasn’t thinking about the final or the gold medal. Coming into the match, I had a very big headache so I just focused on my headache. Matej played very well for sure, but missed some easier shots and soon I was up 4-1, and I knew it would be hard to lose from there. I hope to sleep today but I’m not sure!”

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Emil Malanowski (POL 波蘭)©EPBF

Play continues on Thursday 11th July with the resumption of the 8 ball tournaments.

For viewers at home, Tables 1 & 2 will be streamed throughout on YouTube. Table 1 will be on the Kozoom channel, while Table 2 will be available throughout on the EPBF platform. All other tables can be viewed on the Kozoom.com website, where there are a variety of subscription options.

Table 1 link = https://www.youtube.com/@KozoomTV/streams

Table 2 link = https://www.youtube.com/@theepbf/streams

Tables 1-20 = https://home.kozoom.com/en/all-cue-sports

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Mens medalist©EPBF

Szolnoki, Filler 與 Malanowski 分獲歐錦賽10號球金牌

2024 歐洲撞球錦標賽持續在斯洛維尼亞進行,今晨10號球項目也順利地圓滿落幕。男子組決賽由匈牙利青年選手 Oliver Szolnoki 對上荷蘭”終結者” Niels FeijenSzolnoki 雖於開局取得 2-0 領先,然隨後遭遇 Feijen 扳平並超前比數,終場 Szolnoki 以 8-6 力克 Feijen 拿下金牌。

Szolnoki 賽後說道: “我等待這枚金牌已久。我曾分別在 U17 決賽、U19 半決賽以及 U23 決賽中失利,但終於在今天贏了,感覺非常棒! 這次的我沒有參加其他項目,我是為了10號球與獲得世運會參賽資格而來的,所以我很高興能有機會參賽並體驗其賽事。”

金牌: Oliver Szolnoki (匈牙利 HUN)
銀牌: Niels Feijen (荷蘭 NED)
銅牌: Joshua Filler & Moritz Neuhausen (德國 GER)

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L to R: Linnea Hjalmarström & Lena Primus & Maria Teresa Ropero©EPBF

女子組方面,西班牙選手 Maria Teresa Ropero 在半決賽中以 6-0 橫掃瑞典新生代女子選手 Linnea Hjalmarström 晉級決賽,而她的對手 Pia Filler 則以 6-1 輕取另一位新生代的女子選手 Lena Primus (奧地利)。Ropero 在冠軍戰毫無招架之力,開局之後 Filler 取得 5-0 領先優勢,並最終以 6-1 擊敗 Ropero 拿下10號球項目的勝利。而這也是 Pia Filler 在本屆世錦賽斬獲的第二枚金牌。

金牌: Pia Filler (德國 GER)
銀牌: Maria Teresa Ropero (西班牙 ESP)
銅牌: Linnea Hjalmarström (瑞典 SWE) & Lena Primus (奧地利 AUT)

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Wheelchair medalist©EPBF

10號球為輪椅組運動員的第一個比賽項目;波蘭選手 Emil Malanowski 在早前的半決賽中 5-3 打敗瑞典傳奇選手 Henrik Larsson,而他決賽中的對手是地主作戰的 Matej BrajkovicBrajkovic 則於半決賽 5-3 擊退芬蘭名將 Jouni TähtiMalanowski 決賽中 5-2 擊敗了衛冕冠軍,同時也為地主奪冠希望的 Brajkovic,奪得金牌。

“這勝利的滋味是如此美妙,因為在半決賽之前,我並未想過決賽亦或是金牌。比賽當中我感受到強烈的頭痛,這讓我只專注在我的頭痛;Matej 的發揮相當好,但出現了幾個簡單的失誤,很快地使我以 4-1 領先,我知道要輸掉比賽很困難了,我不確定在這奪冠的興奮之餘能否睡得著。” Malanowski 賽後表示。

金牌: Emil Malanowski (波蘭 POL)
銀牌: Matej Brajkovic (斯洛維尼亞 SLO)
銅牌: Henrik Larsson (瑞典 SWE) & Jouni Tähti (芬蘭 FIN)