Star Brings China Billiard World Championship Qualifying to USA – 星牌助力中式台球世錦賽美國站

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It’s only been two years since China Billiard World Championships was introduced, but this game has drawn the attention of top pool players world-widely.

Now it’s time for the Chinese game to reach out and it’s first oversea appearance would land in the city of Norfolk, Virginia on the 23rd of October. The WPA, the CBSA, the WPPA along with the Star (Xing Pai) worked together to bring the qualifying stage of the 2017 China Billiard World Championships to the Virginia Beach. Four players will advance to the main stage in China.

The Star tables will be shipped to America for the debut, which is a historical moment for the Chinese Pool. Wang Tao, the secretary of the CBSA, and Gan Jialing, the vice GM of the Star (Xing Pai) will join the crowd in the venue and witness the global expansion of the Chinese sport.

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為了能夠讓更多的國際選手參加世錦賽,世界花式撞球協會 (WPA)、中國台球協會 (CBSA)、世界美式台球選手協會 (WPPA)以及星牌 (STAR/Xing Pai) 共同發起了2017中式台球世界錦標賽資格賽美國站,比賽於10月23日在美國維吉尼亞州 諾福克市舉辦。通過本屆比賽將有4名國際選手獲得直接參加2017年中式台球世界錦標賽正賽資格,這也極大的刺激了參賽選手的參賽激情。
