Michael Hill Signs With Cyclop – Michael Hill 簽約Cyclop 賽樂普

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Many-time world champion Michael Hill is proud to announce that he has recently signed a new sponsorship deal with the Cyclop Ball Company.

Cyclop, based out of Shanghai, China, has been making quite a splash in the pool world in the last few years, and the addition of the British great is aimed at taking the company to even higher levels.

The Cyclop balls have been attracting attention due to their content of highly configured Phenolic resin, allowing for durability while keeping their shine and color longer than the standard pool balls. With their distinctive pastel colors mixed in with traditional colors, Cyclop balls have become the billiard ball of choice in tournaments around Asia, America and are regularly being seen in tournaments the world over. Cyclop is contracted with the Chinese Billiard and Snooker Association, which means Cyclop will be the official balls used for all pool events from 2014-2019, including World Pool and Billiard Association (WPA) tournaments, held in China.

Cyclop are extremely proud to announce that they will be the official ball of the 2017 World Games held in Poland. Cyclop balls will be used for all 3 disciplines, Snooker, Carom & Pool.

“We are proud to have partnered with Michael Hill,” said Cyclop Chairman Adrian Wang. “He is a great player and ambassador for the sport. Mick is very personable, he is very famous in the U.K. and China. We feel he will help our company and product grow.”

“I am really happy to join with Cyclop,” remarked Hill, theformer World champion. “Their company has grown rapidly and they are well respected in the industry. They have a quality product with a unique look and I am proud to be a part of their team.”

Michael Hill 2016

拿下過多次世界冠軍的英國名將Michael Hill 於日前宣布剛與Cyclop 賽樂普公司簽署了一項新的贊助協議。Cyclop 賽樂普總部位於上海,在最近幾年當中在世界舞台上曝光度有著飛速的成長, Michael的加入也將使Cyclop 賽樂普如虎添翼般更上一層樓。

Cyclop 賽樂普球因其高成分、高強度的酚醛樹脂而引起注目。使其更具耐久性並賦予了球體更長時間維持光亮,不易磨損。而Cyclop 賽樂普也憑藉其獨特且柔和色彩並與傳統的顏色混合,已成為亞洲和美國各項賽事的首選,在世界各地的比賽中更是能經常看到它的身影。

Cyclop 賽樂普早於2014年即與中國台球協會簽約,也意味著其成為了2014-2019年所有賽事的官方指定用球,其中也包含在中國舉辦的所有世界花式撞球協會(WPA) 的賽事。而近期Cyclop 賽樂普更是非常自豪地宣布其得到世界四大協會認可,正式成為2017年波蘭世界運動會撞球項目 (斯諾克、美式、開侖) 唯一指定用球。也是全球唯一一家囊括三項賽事贊助權的廠商。

“我們非常高興能與Michael成為合作夥伴。Michael是一位優秀的球員,且非常平易近人,在英國及中國都非常知名,我們認為他將有助於我們公司及產品的成長。” Cyclop 賽樂普台球總經理王俊凱說道。

前世界冠軍Michael則說道: “我非常高興能加入Cyclop 賽樂普這個大家庭。他們公司在近幾年的成長非常迅速,他們不僅有著高品質的產品,其更具獨特的外觀。非常榮幸能成為他們團隊的一部分。”

Cyclop Pool Balls – Keep Your Eye On The Ball


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For more information regarding Cyclop Balls, please contact:
Allthingspool, Ltd
QOS Arena
Palmerston Park
Tel: 01387-378350
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.Allthingspool.co.uk
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