ANDY X10 Chinese Pool Cloth Debut in Miyun Open – ANDY中式台呢X10震撼首秀 完美表現深受大師青睞

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ANDY中式台呢X10震撼首秀 完美表現深受大師青睞

Stepping into the 21st century, products manufactured in China are already enjoying the same status and are as good as the imported ones. Many of the Chinese brands have been overtaking their international counterparts in terms of technical development. Some of them even became the main stream of the industry, both domestically and worldwide. ANDY CLOTH, a Taiwanese brand, was the official table cloth at the 1st Miyun CBSA Chinese Pool International Open which has just been completed in Beijing.

The Andy brand has been widely accepted in many of the pro world tours as official cloth for pool tables. Since the signing with CBSA in 2015, Andy had put big financial investments into the development and production of their cloth, and to create an unique Chinese made brand. The brand new X10 and X5 Chinese Pool table cloth has been launched this year, using dark blue instead of the more traditional colors, defining a new color named “ANDY BLUE”. The Andy Blue not only demonstrates an elegance of its own, but also altering the concept that Chinese Pool tables are just miniature snooker tables, so to create a genuine Chinese Pool style. Players were impressed by such innovation and this is the exact message that Andy was trying to deliver to the majority public this time at the Miyun Open.

Throughout the whole tournament, the new Andy cloth was recognized by all participating players in terms of feel and performance. The new Andy X10 received much credit from the tri-world champion (Snooker, Pool, and Chinese Pool) Chris Melling of England, as well as from the Masters champion Yang Fan of China. Whether in the light of the stability of rolling or controlling the cue ball, the cloth is probably the best that they have even played on.

As for the anti-wearing of the nap and the strength to protect itself from impact, the new Andy X10 is double as strong as the imported cloth, meeting the ultimate requirements of Chinese Pool. This is exactly what Chinese Pool needs.

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進入21世紀後,國產品牌與國際大品牌的強強對話比比皆是,國產品牌自身技術飛速發展在很多領域已經超越外來的國際品牌,成為國內、乃至世界的主流。在2016 CBSA 北京密云中式台球國際公開賽上,賽事指定用品、來自台灣的台呢品牌“ANDY安帝”廣受青睞,其全新推出的中式台球專用台呢深受參賽選手好評,為本次賽事的順利進行保駕護航。

ANDY品牌被大眾熟悉源於早已被世界大賽經常指定專用的美式球台布,自2015年與中國台球協會簽約成為賽事指定台呢贊助商,投入大量經費進行研發,致力開創中式台呢的頂級品質,今年推出全新的X10以及X5中式台球專用台呢,台呢一改傳統用色,採用創新的深藍色,並將改顏色定義為“ANDY BLUE 安帝藍”,整體感覺沈穩大氣,從外觀上扭轉了刻板的縮小版斯諾克,真正擁有中式台球的自我風格,在此次大賽中讓所有選手感到耳目一新,體現中國人的“創新”精神,為中式台球文化打開新的篇章。

比賽過程中ANDY品牌中式台呢在性能及打感上博得參賽選手的一致好評,尤其是英國台球三棲冠軍 (斯諾克、美式、中式) Chris Melling以及大師賽冠軍楊帆,對本次賽事所使用的ANDY品牌X10台呢讚賞有加,他們表示這是經歷諸多比賽中打感最佳的台呢,無論是在滾動的平穩度、還是控制走位上的表現都超越了一貫使用的進口台呢,速度雖快但是感覺不飄不滑,明顯感覺更加穩定。


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Samuel Lai/TOP147